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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. To be fair you can afford to be lazy with the voltera chips. I couldn't be bothered hard modding a card that would do 1.45v through software
  2. Glad to hear there was a happy ending from all of this. Very rarely do these things end up in favour of the buyer.
  3. Now I wouldn't quote me on this because I'm not 100% sure, but I think the 2666C11 kit is Hynix and your 2400C9 may be Samsung. Best person to ask is probably Tapakah since he seems to know his stuff when it comes to ram ICs
  4. Nice score bud!! I seem to have lost my sub zero vantage score somewhere, ran one with the core at 1130MHz and it's just vanished
  5. Damn this project Starting to understand why my bank account is constantly empty
  6. Good stuff dude, have you tried using GPU tool for more volts? Should be able to go much higher with that software as I also found 1.35v to be the limit with afterburner. Either way awesome result
  7. Well I tested 3 this weekend on air and used 1.3v for all 3. Card 1 Sapphire Custom : 1000/1200 vantage stable Card 2 XFX Reference : 970/1200 vantage stable Card 3 XFX Reference : 930/1175 Vantage stable So your card seems to fit right in the middle if anything slightly worse than my card 2 if you're on water. But you sure your card is running at that voltage? Mine was at 1.27v roughly
  8. There was nothing special about black editions from what I remember. They were over-volted at stovk weren't they? Like 1.45v
  9. I don't know if digital is the way to go with the 4890 or not honestly. I've got a few digital and analogue ones here and I'm going to test them both against each other when I get the chance next. For water though you might be better getting a reference card. Since you won't really need to do any mods for that, although I would keep hold of the card if anything just for practicing volt mods on since you don't really want to start doing it on a golden card first.
  10. Yeah just putting another card in and using the ATI flash tool would probably be the easiest way to go about it. You shouldn't need to flash the bios for that card though I don't think, but if you have any issues I did mention it in the PM what might be the best way to go about it
  11. This My dad came to see what I was doing yesterday and jokingly said that there was a nice cars worth of parts here and we both joked it off. He wasn't wrong, I'd brought over £3K worth of stuff to his house just to play around with
  12. Nick send me a PM of the card. If it's the same one as I had quite a while ago then it's fairly simple to mod
  13. Well I had so many issues with my set up today and then just ran out of dice. Something went massively wrong too because I lost all efficiency with all benchmarks too
  14. Good stuff as always bud, wish I knew you were selling this CPU though, my luck with Haswell is just non existant
  15. I think you're on the wrong website mate, nobody here hides a golden chip since it's counter productive
  16. Hey guys, was just wondering what software if any would allow my reference 4890 to overvolt past 1.35v, I seem to remember being able to set past 1.4v in the day but can't seem to remember what to use, afterburner is only letting me set 1.35v currently Thanks for your time. EDIT : Forgot about GPU tool, that of course works a treat for anyone who is interested.
  17. Have you tried a newer bios at all?? I have a Z97 OC Formula here and I'll have a look tonight to see if I get the same issues. If I do and I can find a solution I will post my results.
  18. It was more the "I have this but won't show proof" attitude that got on peoples nerves
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