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Everything posted by Alan_Alberino

  1. I cant rebench it, GPUs weren't mine, already returned them... I had LOD enabled since in theory it can be used in all GPU benchs for HWBOT submissions and I always have it on at my benching OS... Also, there are lot of scores without validation links out there, so check them when you can please, apply law for all and not only for some
  2. "XTU GOD" WTF, 697 is very easy on MOCF
  3. But it also won't be a engineering sample since it's a final version of the product and principally it won't be a sample since users are buying them. HOF LN2 980Tis were available only at Galax store in a very limited quantity, that makes it an ES since you couldnt buy it at a store, only from the manufacturer and only at limited time (time that the stock of the only few units lasted)?
  4. Actually if this would became a reality, you could buy it and it would stop being a ES since any user could buy it if they wanted it and had the money
  5. So, now the task is convince Gigabyte to release a Z270-SOC Force LN2, right? I saw Z170X LN2 at CES and its a absolute beast, anyway retail boards like MOCF are very similar in mem OC Terms but it would be great to have another 2-dimm OC retail board from another brand
  6. Titan X Pascal not allowed at competition........................
  7. It sounds great, but the reality is that even banning ES, there are people that bins LOTS of retail CPUs and anyway they will be in better conditions than a average user, so they would still be a big disadvantage. About XTU, we had a discussion about that some months ago here in the forums about locked CPUs XTU and you defended it to death, and now you want to take them out cause they give lot of globals, so what's your idea? Leave them or kill them? I think XTU points should be limited for unlocked multiplier CPUs, on locked Skylakes CPUs is just average B-Die, a Asrock OCF/MOCF and go, I have 35 hardware points for a i3-6100 XTU submission that I replicated lot of times, nothing hard to get... I think that 35 hardware points for a score without even tweaking is ridiculous. 2D WR Points should also die, they are just brute force points on servers that a very very limited amount of people has access to, they don't have to much relate to overclocking that it's what HWBOT is about... About +1000 USD hardware, I said in other thread to have a +750 USD global category, and -750 USD global category, +750 USD category would have a little amount of users so it won't give that much points, and -750 USD would give same points than Titan XP now.
  8. So, 743 was also posible on Asrock Great job, congrats!
  9. Yeah, also FSU and Catzilla 4K since DX12 (time spy) and 4k (the two benchmarks I mentioned) are new GPU focuses, and they are designed for that, so we should test them with that...
  10. Wow, massive point lose coming soon, and massive change coming in Z170X-SOC Force LN2 interested people thread ^^ Great work Matt, congrats for reaching "the imposible"!
  11. Rise up those mems, if you can get 3866mhz or more with thight timings it would be great
  12. There are scores with normal GTX Titan X (Maxwell version), is that allowed? Since GTX 980 and 980Ti aren't allowed, GTX Titan X Maxwell shouldn't be allowed
  13. Correct Score is 1200.1, you have to post what CPU-Z shows
  14. Z270 is too near now, make a z270-soc force LN2 close to launch date (and not a year later) and make everyone happy
  15. Confirmed that works in EVGA GTX 1080 FTW, tried bios posted by Elmor and it's very efficient with air, great work
  16. Just readed in detail the 1st post of the thread... What you saying is exactly what OC-Esports divisions make, season competitions allowing any kind of cooling limiting each division to specific hardware so everybody has similar performance, if you want that system you already have it at oc-esports.io I think the ideal system is a WELL distributed point system with divided CPU and GPU categories for global points, + WR points both for CPUs and GPUs, then assign 20 CPU hardware points slots, 20 GPU hardware points slots, 15 CPU global points slots, 15 GPU global points slots (In case of many categories of GPU Globals), and 15 Competition points slots, I would be happy with that... EDIT: About game benchmarks, first, in a real scenario nobody will play with LN2 on their machine, and second, spending 60 dollars in each game will make imposible to test game benchmarks so I should say forget about it
  17. I don't think so, I know lot of new overclockers and each time I see more and more people joining this, and receive lot of questions everyday asking about OC Tips even being nobody in the OC world... Also there's a lot of people like me that is very young (I'm 19 years old) that still has a long time to keep overcooking and promote this beautiful hobby so more people can enjoy it, so I think OC won't die, at least in a good amount of time
  18. Like some said, try to get a job if you want to progress... I'm 19 years old right now and have lot of hardware for the age I have (Two 1151 CPUs, GTX 1080, two 1151 motherboards, CPU and GPU pots), used DICE being 17 years old and also been 3rd at a Gigabyte Contest here at HWBOT still being 17 years old... Possibly using LN2 in some months at 19 years old If you really want it, work hard for your dreams, and you will reach them like I'm doing right now. I started at HWBOT at your age, 15 years old, and now I growed a lot without even beeing 20 years old, so keep working for what you want and you will be a great overclocker, good luck mate
  19. Using offline mode while running was causing invalid scores... Scores are valid now when I disable offline mode
  20. I think too much segmentation looses the concept of global, even as I said when I gave the price dividing idea I edited the post later too make only two big categories: Less than 750, and more than 750... Global points right now are obtained comparing with every existing piece of hardware, too much categories would make it very easy to get globals for everyone and they would lose the concept of globals... From another point of view, this would expand modding mid-end cards and putting them under LN2, which will be more fun for the users who know how to mod a card, but it will be more difficult for enthusiast users that don't know how to mod a card to get a good place even in a hardware category of a mid-range card...
  21. That is why hardware points exist
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