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Everything posted by chispy

  1. @Leeghoofd , @OGS @Luumi , @rbuass , @Dancop , @keeph8n , @Splave , @safedisk , @Rauf Please let me know what you guys think is going on ,and if something can be done to make valid scores more secure and how ? This really affect hwbot subs for 3D as it is now required valid FM / UL valid links. Thanks in advanced. Kind Regards: Chispy
  2. This is something i have been scratching my head over for a few months now. Futuremark / UL has some obvious problems when it comes to score validation , it has failed in my opinion to address this issue that has been brought up to their attention by many users. There are a lot of obvious invalid results by any standards but it is approved and mark as valid ??? Take this example of what is going on and prof that Shenanigans are going on with validation approved , tampered with scores. There is a guy with multiple accounts on Futuremark / UL by the name of Escapee / Escapeee / IKasHI / and i believe he might have other accounts with other nicknames ( Might be H2o vs Ln2 / Slinky in disguise ??? maybe ... This shit started with him blabbing and bragging how good he is of an overclocker and how easy it was to beat gamernexus and jay2cents in port royal during their youtube jay vs gamernexus port royal competition with his Asus RTX-3090 and a mere 4790k cpu with an old hardware set up in overclock.net forum. He got called out by many users in ocn about his score was not possible on that configuration , then brag about beating kingpin in Port royal , bragging about beating OGS in Port Royal , etc... He is number one now at FM/ UL port Royal. I find it impossible to believe his scores , in my eyes if some noobie unknown overclocker is beating the true legends of overclocking something might be wrong , After Luumi posted yesterday and smashed the WR for single card with his kingpin rtx-3090 high clocks on ln2 , that same guy escapeee made a submission right away beating Luumi awesome score in Port Royal wish i find hard to believe. How can an unknown user on the overclocker scene beat all of the true legends of overclocking ( OGS , kingpin , Luumi , rbaus , dancop , etc... ) at the most demanding benchmark of all Port Royal ??? . To make the very long story short he stopped posting on the ocn forum after his scores were reported by many users to Futuremark / UL and he got called out in ocn rtx 3090 thread. I did some digging and investigation on my own and what i found was quiet disturbing , sadly i quickly found out that FM / UL validation scores can be made up / hack / tamper with / mess with / etc ... to make it valid when it is obvious the scores are not valid. A lot of Shenanigans are going on right now with invalid and impossible scores approved and made valid in FM / UL. Please bare in mind this user has an account here at hwbot by the name escapee but he has not submit any submissions , 0 , zero , nada. Take a closer look and dissect this scores , look at the OS used , always the same w10 OS ( same OS w10 64-bit Windows 10 (10.0.18363) old version 1909 , look at the Asus rtx-3090 used and look at some of his scores temperatures and clocks , look at the FM UI number used IKasHI and Escapee scores used the same UI and the scores upload it just a few days apart. Using the same nvidia driver in all 3 of his accounts valid subs . Same unknown guy 3 different accounts beating everyone. wtf is going on ? I'm tired of seen this Shenanigans happen again and again , what's wrong with the mods and adm at FM/ UL , as far as i know a lot of people has reported this scores , even myself and they did nothing. If it walks like a duck , quack like a duck , smell like a duck = it is probable 100% a duck ? for sure ... Judge for yourself and ask FM / UL adm and support what is going on with this scores please. This is not fair... https://www.3dmark.com/pr/437766 https://www.3dmark.com/pr/417677 https://www.3dmark.com/pr/703262 https://www.3dmark.com/compare/pr/417677/pr/703262/pr/437766#
  3. Sick score on that set up , 780Ti flying along side Vermeer ! Well done
  4. Holy core clocks Batman ! Amazing card , well done ! So close to 3000Mhz ?
  5. Awesome score , well done ! Push it a bit more 19k is the target :D , go go go Luumi ...
  6. Thank you guys. @flanker like Sharon said , sadly this 6900x card has cold issues even on SS at -52c , LN2 is out the possibility for it. Maybe is a Bios thing on it and needs cold fix. 2900Mhz is doable on chiller .
  7. Awesome score for the 7970 , congratz on the gold , well done !
  8. Now that's a name i have not seen for a long time :) , glad to see you back benching bro .Awesome score and rig ! Nice score , well done !
  9. Congratulations on the WR Daniel. Well done , Glad to see you back at full Force !
  10. Understood :) , i hope this helps clear anything related to my subs and thank you.
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