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Everything posted by der8auer

  1. Did you have the same trouble before with F5b? Did you try to flash back to F5b after those problems occured?
  2. Really sorry to hear this
  3. Pretty sure 1080 Ti will beat Titan X. Especially because vendors will push their custom designs.
  4. Really no idea If the rumors are true, the GTX 1080 Ti will have 3328 CUDA Cores. So you will need about 100-150 MHz to match the TitanX performance which is not much. But then, Pascal seems to be a bad clocker in general once you reach a certain point. I could do 2150 MHz on one GPU on water and hardly 2300 MHz stable on LN2 with the same card.
  5. Will try later Actually your results have a great efficiency. Really not easy to catch you.
  6. Throwback Thursday =) The first time in 5 years that I touched Dry Ice.
  7. I tested all cards one by one before It's one of these moments when you don't want to accept the truth
  8. Just for the records: I modded 6 cards with vmod and on 4 cards it didn't help at all. On 2 cards I could gain 20 MHz on chilled water. Not really worth modding the card
  9. semi-unofficially released by the manufacturers
  10. To ban one product doesn't mean that it will result in an increased interested in the other product. The interest in 3D OC is low and it has been low before TitanXP. If you ban e.g. 6950X, do you think more people will enjoy benching 6900K. Especially studying politics you should know that simple solutions for complex problems are usually not working.
  11. hahaha submission of the year :D
  12. Toothbrush and acetone. Works everytime
  13. Interesting idea. Would be interesting to see how this would look
  14. Wouldbuy
  15. maybe I misunderstood your sentence that it's impossible to get in Brazil - anway doesn't matter. In the end nvidia is just going full ret ard at the moment with their policy. Personally I wouldn't even be mad if we would ban the card from hwbot At the moment it seems that ES is getting less and less. I really don't see much ES stuff floating around.
  16. So to sum up the points: 1. ES CPUs are unfair and should be banned 2. Ban Titan X Pascal because it's not available in Brazil 3. Lower points for useless results such as 742 XTU dual core and increase points for 3D My opinion: 1. Latest gen ES are only allowed for Elite guys so it's fine to me 2. You can easily get the card here in Germany at Nvidia.de. However, I agree that it's absolute BS what Nvidia has been doing lately. Their sales and OC policy is absolute garbage 3. This will be changed with the upcoming revision 7
  17. Good on air is not always good on LN2. My best LN2 CPU was by far not the best on air I also had one 4.8 @ 1.22 Volt and it only did 6.35 GHz. Just saying^^
  18. It's not like HWBOT would stop AMD from creating a similar benchmark. For sure HWBOT would add it
  19. 980 Ti or 1080 should be the best
  20. @Massman what is the current influence of activity on the points? Is there even an activity influence? Talking about activity over time, not plain amount of results.
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