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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. That could be a dram vrm bug of a partucular board to kill it - not a platform issue. I had s478 board recently with pll mod that was accidentally killing cpus although pll voltage was in line with no-mod boards.
  2. Dead sure this is the same card as here - https://hwbot.org/submission/4083883_ Most likely, cheat involves nvstrap driver. Same bios, same score, same clocks
  3. I had several mobos on i815 with integrated video and they were no go for overclocking. However I was quite noobie that days so don't know what to expect with proper approach. Video is last thing one should consider with this socket anyway.
  4. External clock may have less jitter/phase noise (i.e. high end audiophile gear sometimes use external clocks for their DAC of a femtosecond grade). That is my guess. At least, the different quality of pll ic may be the reason why TUSL/CUSL boards have certain difference in max clock between samples - the reason may be not chipset but pll. GraduS should know more - he was really deep into digging JP forums on s370.
  5. Those were turboPLL/JordanPLL to allow overclocking on the boards with no-overclock stock pll ic. I believe you cannot run pci/ide in asynchronous mode if chipset doesn't support it which is the case for i815
  6. Easiest way to check what limits you is to use different "straps" and low multi coppermine d0. First check fsb limit of cpu with 133/100 and write down clocks for pci (if waza locks system at given fsb - then it is ide limit). Then go 133/133 to find memory limit. Then check 66/100 to see if you can break the pci clocks of 133/100 while staying with dram below limit of 133/133. PS. IDE is definitely a problem. Japanese were using IBM fireballs if i'm not mistaken in early 00's which were known to stand 50-55 mhz ide clocks.
  7. Why have temperature restrictions if we only have 4.5GHz limit? More to that, I guess monitoring software like HWINFO should (must) have a possibility to offset the values so it will be easy to trick it. Another trick is - run the test with eg. SS, run the test, open tabs, switch SS off and let the temperature rise. I think temperature limit should be removed and the frequency limit should be adjusted to meet "average air overclock" for the given DIV#X platforms. Let's say, if the stage assumes the use of Pentium III Coppermine, let the LCC frequency be 1200MHz or 3600MHz for Core 65nm.
  8. I have also bought one yesterday. It is 620 fsb stable 1:1 but won't go higher than 1600 dram no matter what. Will sell it asap.
  9. Yes, boots fine with flash drives prepared in Winsetup2USB to install w2k/wxp/2k3 if boot device set to USB-HDD.
  10. @sammurai will post pictures as soon as I get to the board So far, I had at least 2.15v measured. Probably just my board. Anyway, ovp-mod should not be hard to implement
  11. I remember promo of Giga lga1366 ud9 (i guess) - with demonstration vrm is capable of delivering 1.5kW jvhW-5BzoE0 So not the first time the board has such a monster vrm
  12. Is this board really so weak compared to Gigabyte and Biostar in terms of fsb overclocking or is it just shadowed by REX being almost as expensive?
  13. I guess LOD tweak was available for me in 3DMark Vantage and 3D11 several years ago (HD7970 era). That was a combination of utility to change LOD + certain level of catalyst AI - buggy one but working sometimes. Do not know what is the situation now with modern hardware and Crimson drivers.
  14. @DeDaL @gradus
  15. Same question here. Need to go desktop version to search
  16. Never thought these dram frequency/timings are possible. Great skills.
  17. This should give an idea of board efficiency. Stable at 260mhz with x10 multi. But won't go higher stable even with relaxed settings (fsb validated is 265mhz with relaxed timings) - will check 2t bios later on for fsb clock.
  18. Vnb 1.95, Vdimm 3.5 (stock one is fed from 5v, so no need for external vrm - besides it's said to be not compatible with ocz booster due to protection issues), Vcpu + capmod for cpu and nb (added 10x25uF ceramics + 2x470uF tantals for cpu and 2x470uF tantals + 1x3300uF electrolyte for nb). Bios 1013 1t from Trats. I have also done vcca mod - no difference from default 2.5v to 3.2v with single stage. Probably may be of help with ln2.
  19. Thanks all. This is rather a cpu clock limit as the board is able to run 260mhz with same settings and unlocked barton with lower multi. I should also try other bh-5 sticks (mine are dual sided, 4 chips each side - guess not the perfect ones for this board) and try higher Vnb (1.95v now - although I had gains up to 2.4v with previous epowered board). My expectation is 270mhz fsb 32M stable is possible.
  20. I wouldn't do this. UAT uses a database taken from original hwbot and I don't think syncing this "outdated" (let it be 2-3 days older before hwbot went offline) to the main db is a good idea etc. They will have a lot of issues when rev8 goes to public so another syncing task should be avoided if possible. Anyway, why can't you wait a day or two?
  21. UAT still works
  22. Okay, I have tested this mod. Setup is as follows: Corsair XMS3200LL, 2x256MB BH-5 based - capable of 268MHz with my FX57. Random A-XP 2500+ A7N8X-E Deluxe (3.5Vdimm via hardmod, 1.9Vnb via hardmod, 2.1Vcpu via hardmod) - ceramics/tantals added to socket and nb (this was needed to enhance stability a bit), small radiators are on top of cpu mosfets as they got hot (not extreme temperatures though). Air cooling for NB and ram. Bios used is 1013-1T from Trats with dfi 4-19 romsips. I wasn't yet able to get full stability above 260MHz FSB with 1T bios but the board still performs strong and I believe is on par with tweaked NF7/AN7 on same settings.
  23. Shouldn't work - I remember R15 requires something like SSE3 or AMD64 compatible hardware - so even Northwood won't run it.
  24. TUSL2-C is natively compatible with tualatin core, CUSL2 requires mods to hardware to run tualatins. On the other hand, TUSL2 won't run mendocino celerons. I would pick TUSL2 of these two boards. Mendocino celerons are not that popular. Another challenge will be to get the following 2 things: IDE-SATA adaptor (to allow high fsb overclocks - native IDE drives won't let you overclock more than 20-30% in a lot of cases) and good memory that is able to go >200MHz CL2-2-2 (that is Quimonda chips of >2007 production - memory performance is crucial with s370). And probably you should also have several AGP cards as it also may limit your overclock (however, most simple agp cards as GF2MX, GF4MX should allow agp overclocking over 100MHz from stock 66MHz and the problem may be overclocking of AGP over 127-130MHz). You can look for Gigabyte 6OXET as alternative - these are rather difficult to find but they should be cheaper being considered garbage by many second hand resellers. I was able to hit even more stable overclocks with it but killed it during research.
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