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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. So yor headroom is 32% of a given strap? I thought my board is a crap (having app.40% of headroom) but seems like I'm too used to TUSL2.
  2. what is your pci limit when pushing with setfsb/cpufsb from 66/66 or 66/100?
  3. Same as 815 - 2:3 1:1, 3:4, 4:3. But for intel calculation is done properly in cpuz. The only clockgen related thing in chipset is built-in pll for skew autotune. Anyway, that issue in cpuz should not affect contest.
  4. But it is 3:4 memory multiplier, not +33MHz. In fact, if we put +PCI (which translates into +33.3 at stock frequencies), then it will be 138.82+(33.3*1.3882)=185.05 mhz. This is confirmed by pll datasheets as well.
  5. So you are in >700FSB club?) No jokes, great achievement. What was your air limit?
  6. Thanks. Another question - cpuz calculates the mem frequency wrong way (just +33MHz to fsb, not +PCI as it should be). Should we use this wrong value or refer to the value from setfsb/cpufsb? I.e. 150Mhz fsb +PCI (strap 100 - so mem is actually 200MHz but 183MHz in cpuz) is higher than 185MHz 1:1 - but if we rely on cpuz, the winner will be 185 1:1.
  7. Competition page needs fix. This was pifast sub.
  8. good. Re-capped the only via-based board I have (VH6-II) and should be ready this week for 2D.
  9. Well, i still have 4 other submissions to prepare:) @all let's not sandbug this time?) The platform is not very popular so if we share our results in good time we may all know smth new and get results stronger than expected.
  10. Anyone has an issue with cmos clear? No matter what (clrcmos button on the back panel, clrcms switch), board keeps settings.
  11. These cpus are quite easy - the edge of stability for these is quite easy to find so once you will find it you can make video. It is very unlikely you can get result beyond that edge to have multiple attempts to record video. @GRIFF, suggestion. Would it be possible to change 9100 to 9550 or 9200/9250 (which are almost 10 times more popular)? We have only 125 subs with 9100 @hwbot, which indicates 9100 is relatevely rare card. Anyway, most likely I won't be benching 3d even if 9550 is allowed but that may become an entry ticket for many other ocers.
  12. Let's see if it works first. I don't forsee problems making video
  13. What are requirements for video? What should be there - one presses run, camera then flows to show mobo and thermometer and then back to the display to see the result?
  14. Are these final requirements (actually comp page shows coppermine 128/256 and no cooling requirement)? I mean, air (>10C) and 66-mhz coppermine cpu?
  15. Thanks. Is it possible to use non-rad3on card for 2d stages? I don't have 9100 and it is not available for sale. PS. I'm not really sure if i have VIA board though to take part. Good luck all.
  16. What are the benchmarks? Can't see them. What is the timeline?
  17. Well done. Try adjusting skews first - cpu skew of 200-300ps and nb of 0-100ps when running high fsb.
  18. Not sure if it ever existed except some engineering samples. I had only ECS P6S5AT with sis635t and even with PLLmod the experience was not that successful - I think sis635t must be very picky with RAM (same as pro266 - I had only one ddr stick able to work @195mhz or so - and it was micron 5b not bh5) and won't go >200mhz RAM tight (and as the cpu bus is 64bit, the only advantage of ddr chipsets is to beat i815 with ram frequency). I would better then investigate i820/i840 and RDRAM - if these would go 250mhz fsb-wise then there may be a chance (but not for every cpu etс). But again, never seen interesting boards for sale (and intel boards lack proper clock generators).
  19. That is the same pcb with some bells&whistles missing - agp instead agp-pro, no cnr, no integrated vga. Never tried it though. Should be identical to CUSL2 in terms of overclocking.
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