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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Thanks Dumo ! Looks like you ended up getting Apex XI after all huh
  2. The board doesn't need to power on if using eeprom spi programmer but if you are saying it just a dead board and flashing bios won't help then don't know what to tell ya. If you saw my pic flashing the Z370 ASRock itx board, you'll see only reason led's are on is because the Rasp Pi is powering them. There is no psu connections made to board whatsoever. The screen with flashrom running is from Rasp Pi running Linux (Raspbian, Debian etc) using Terminal to probe, find, read, save and program the Macronix or Windbond bios chip. BTW that image appears to be for AMD since it's 1.8v, Intel platform uses 3.3v
  3. Well, it's always been my understanding that DMI is tied to VCCIO, if you set LN2 type DMI volts but set like 1.200v VCCIO and try to go fullpot you will have a bad day. You can just leave VCCIO on auto tho or set it at 1.4v minimum
  4. MSI cable ? just use Female to Female ( 2.00 pitch ) jumpers for programming with Rasp Pi ( or similar ). Here, I made you an MSI SPI to RPi gpio pinout I would try the AMI BIOS Recovery Method first. I made .txt file so we don'y have a wall of text AMI BIOS Recovery.txt
  5. How about after Comp in your free time you make unicorn bios. M10A 1801 modded for XP and add LN2 volts/IGP and M9A compatibility. I'm modding the 2 bios you just posted (M10A_1801_XP, M10A_0001_XP) for M9A. Will try to test tonight and post em in that thread if they are solid
  6. Samsung Service Center in Dubai is a good resource for CPU-Z knowledge ?
  7. I can flash any bios I want (plus more through spi header) so that's kinda cool. So far I've been unsuccessful at getting Z390 bios to run properly on Z370 board. The board powers on, cpu starts warming up but i never get a pic on the monitor. Pretty sure the It will not work since Z390 is a 14nm chipset, so there are complications such as can't run downgraded versions of ME and so on. The only reason Z370, Z270, Z170, H310C, and B365 to name a few work is because they still use the 22nm process and that can be downgraded to the right ME.
  8. Great run ! Hope you can figure out what's holding mems back when fullpot
  9. Looks to be since TAGG linked the 2nd sub for ref freq on our Skype chat
  10. Have had this board sitting in it's box for 9-10 months now, ever since I saw the 1.5 dram voltage limit. I would love to actually use the board for benching but this limit makes a solid (by hardware standards) board pretty much useless for Overclocking. After doing a decent amount of research I have found that the hardware used is 99.9% identical to the Z390 Phantom ITX that has a true XOC bios. Would my best bet be to try and flash the Z390 board to my Z370, and if so would I need to mod the bios for the Chipset/PCH. I'll probably flash the chip using the on board SPI header and Flashrom via RaspPi Or maybe there is an easier way such as hard mod to unlock the new security features on the ASRock Z370 chipset boards Or skip the bios altogether and do a VR mod to the dram VRM ? Any help or suggestions on quickest, easiest or safest way would be greatly appreciated I'd like to keep this board, but if this becomes too much of a risk for the reward situation I'll just sell the board (since it is still unused other than the basically bios browsing) and put the money toward something else such as Z390 Dark, Gene or Apex
  11. I also used x12 but was not as good imo X12 X14b
  12. There's a reason these were never meant to be given to the public Step 1 use the x14b bios and this album for reference https://imgur.com/a/bJ8x1 But set Dram training, eventual and vtt manually Do not touch any of these loadline, current protection etc. Leave auto Memory timing mode to manual in 2 spots, or "Advanced Manual" in both for controlling all timings noy just RTL/IOL
  13. You figure out that you must set eventual dram voltage and boot dram V the same ? Took me a couple weeks to figure out the boards "quirks" but once you do it OC's mems on par or better than Apex IX yet it's only z170 chipset RTL's at 48/49 can do some damage if you can run 4080+ c12 that tight
  14. Well these were from the previous year, 4333. Was a good kit too for the time 4000c12 waza easy at 1.850v and close to 4700 freq air http://valid.x86.fr/7wwimq
  15. The only one I know of is V2 Public http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/tools/HOF_NVVDD_Public_V2 (Galax GTX980-980TI software).rar
  16. Whoa, looks like the pin welded itself to the pad. Need to check socket layout pic to see what it does but I'd have to guess it's VCC edit: Looks to me like E 34 (VCC) contacted D 33 (VCC) Kaby Lake Coffee Lake
  17. Nice run ! Do you prefer bios X08 over X04, or maybe just for Sammy D die ?
  18. What motherboard are you using in the Rig Pic ? Definatly no MSI MPG Z390I GAMING EDGE AC To me I'd call it MSI MEG Z390M Godlike, or a direct competitor of boards like Asus Gene, ASRock MOCF. Sure looks like a high end 2 dimm M-ATX form factor and the rear IO cover does say "GODLIKE" What do you guys think ? and also is that a real lin pot or just an insulated mug lol
  19. Ah yes, SonyHD and HardMad back together again ! BTW I'm sure @kicsipapucs is not a Sony shill, and I @GtiJason rarely get Mad while Hard or get Hard when Mad ?. . . so maybe we can fix this problem soon ? @GeorgeStorm @Leeghoofd @richba5tard
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