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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. I've seen 980ti Lightning and Matrix's selling between $300-$350, Kingpins have demanded a bit more $350-$400. If I were looking to buy I would be in the $325 range but I'm not big into 3d. That being said if you found the right guy I could see someone pay as much as $425-450 because at least here in the US, they are rare The prices I listed are ones that have actually sold but this is the low end I look at as a potential buyer. Obviously there have been some (KPE mostly) selling for more on occasion but like I said as a buyer I look for low prices.
  2. I've got the main post saved as a PDF, and made .jpg images to share here. If HWBot wants file you know where to find me ASRock Z170 OC Finger Pop - Album on Imgur
  3. Under the Ice Single Stage picture guide Phase Change Building Guide Vapor Phase Change Cooling
  4. It's alive, the V8 Serpent is alive ! Looks like a lot of work trying to tame that beast, good job getting it running 4 way
  5. via Imgflip Meme Generator
  6. Thanks for taking the time to write this, Asus mem settings in bios can be confusing, I was reminded last night testing a M7I cold for first time. Now I'm wishing I hadn't sold the M8I so I can test your guide out. Asus Maximus Impact - 3 generations - Album on Imgur
  7. Nice score, especially from a livestream. Only a couple 2x AMD subs ahead of you and they were done by big names, HiCookie and Gunslinger. Good company to be a part of.
  8. 5 marks ahead of original owner Mark's 19750 marks, that's a lot of marks
  9. You forgot ES power supply, ES ln2 pots, ES digi thermometer, ssd, mouse, keyboard, yellow tinted OC glasses and on n' on
  10. So the day we see the first Z270 board on Newegg, the ES/Not ES thing for Z170 LN2 board will no longer be an issue, right ? Either way I'm going to enjoy mine thoroughly, overclocking memory is what I enjoy anyways. . . points are just a byproduct. I'm not anything remotely special in the hardware world and yet I found a way to get one. I have always lived by the rule if you want something that's hard to buy, find something to give you leverage. In this case it was a kit of killer DDR4 that got me what I wanted, tomorrow it might be a pair of rare sneakers. . . you never know
  11. Your opinions seem to be on point with what myself and other friends who truly understand Efficiency, Memory OC and prefer to bench 32m or GB3 think. My last LCC 32m sub using B Die was the very first run on MOCF because of this reason. I feel that my kits are top 5% of all retail but would rather keep my run times to myself because having just one person thinking I cheat is too many. 32m llc has always been about honesty and integrity and the veteran OC'rs can tell when a run just isn't right or "looks funny". I'm sorry but if I know someone cheated even just one time, my mind will never see his lcc scores as legit unless there are some built in protections like GpuPi. We have also been discussing the point made about records being done on air, and I feel like B Die has been both good and bad for our community. It's nice to see more guys becoming interested since Samsung has made this easier but at the same time feel things were far better in 2012-2013 where air was somewhat competitive but if you want to be on top ln2 was a necessity.
  12. So what you're saying is it's not ok for someone in the Rookie or Novice league's who has the talent and machine shop availability to build his own cooling pot to do so, even if he's never done sub zero OC. I think many guys in Novice have dabbled with sub zero as it's the only way to learn, just don't submit any scores or cheat any contest and it's fine HATER'S GONNA HATE !
  13. But. . . but. . . but. . . . . SevenFourtyThree
  14. Now this is funny ! Even though I lose 200 points or so. Good work Zero
  15. This is where I max out my 6700k as well, tho for me this is where my SS starts getting close to positive temps.
  16. XED is in my top 3 list, been good to me. In fact Millers kit is same IC
  17. I had a blast dipping my toe into 3d, had a lot of OS and software issues but thats par for the course here. StrongIsland and $@39@ deserve their hard earned positions as I gave this comp everything I possibly could in terms of time. Hoping I can refill dewars soon since I only got to run 01 and Cat after I flashed bios for extended OC capabilities and GpuPi was only one I could max. This was the fourth setup I tried and worked the best, cold pic was from last night around 5am two hours before deadline
  18. Andrew, you forgot a 7 in your score, should be 54070 and it's marked as 5400
  19. Looks like a great board, I've got the Z97 version and everytime I use it I improve and am starting to get some great mem timings/clocks. The sweetspot for me would be < $300 usd but might think about it at $350. This goes for either a Z170 or Z270 ? chipset if that's the way they chose to go. This price must include Sofos 1990 and Dinos22's signature on the board Edit: while we're at it, let's try and get ASRock to make us an IOCF please
  20. Since the start of Cheapaz Chips Comp this has been an issue. When subbing GpuPi 1B using gt710 gk208 the gpu is automatically placed in the gf119 category. This is becoming increasingly messy and confusing since a lot of the Comp subs for all three categories are being grouped wrong. Can we find a way to make this clear as to what gpu belongs where and try and clear up the charts ? I'll place subs in approriate category if no one is available to do so, but right now the biggest problem is making a clear distinction between the two. I was looking around the web for more details, but didn't find much as most sites are talking about the more current gk208. I did fid this, though at a website who's benchmark comparisons should be taken with a grain of salt. source : GeForce GT 710 vs GeForce GT 710 OEM
  21. I have a gallon of the Home Depot Klean Strip 100% Acetone, so using this is to save money is of no greater risk to plastics than the contact cleaner I use assuming I'm not pouring it on my motherboard of course. I've only been using this one since it says "Plastics Safe" on it but it runs out so fast. I guess I've always thought of acetone being used repairing boats or race cars since they are fiberglass.
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