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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. stuck on slow mode or 8x multi in bios
  2. I would just download freeware version of Thaiphoon Burner, http://www.softnology.biz/files.html and after spending a few minutes browsing specs head over to HWBot marketplace and get yourself some ddr3 that's double sided such as 2 x 4gb kit of Samsung ic mems (2400c9 2600c10 or 2666c10) or some 2 x 2gb psc based mems (2000c6, 2200c7, 2300c8, 2400c8/9) EDIT: Pretty sure those are hynix cfr so tight timings won't be easy/possible. Check out Woomack's review though, it may help http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/734805-G-Skill-RipjawsX-2x4GB-DDR3-2133-F3-2133C10D-8GXM
  3. That sucks man, sorry to hear about that. What do you think caused the crack?
  4. Any way wires are reversed? I know very little about this stuff but mllrkllr88 could help. I'll send him a link as well as buildzoid
  5. Exactly what I was thinking
  6. link to albums http://imgur.com/a/YFQVo http://imgur.com/a/IATk3
  7. Nice to see this thread active again. Finally felt I had enough practice at c7 and attempted c6 for the first time. On 64bit Win 7 so no Pi ... so sowry! Mems at 2.17v -160C and colder rtl experiment 35-37-3-4 rtl's in order Sum Geek3 Stability test
  8. Gotta love that Process Lasso is available, 10g club here I come !
  9. The top two spots are 2 dimm B die, with Luumi leading currently Digg_De has 2nd but shows a pic in the results discussion showing 1825 marks http://abload.de/image.php?img=xtu5000ffog1.png Looking at the two top spots for XTU 5g tweakers stage confirms that ram efficiency has nothing to do with increased scores on Skylake platform. While it serves as a great stepping stone that attracts beginners to our sport, it is giving them the wrong idea on what actually improves performance by rewarding them for loose timings or well no one really knows as it is so random. I'm not saying it's gotta go, as it was the bench that got me initially interested in 2d OC, but it obviously has problems that we are all aware of and the use of it in comps other than Rookie/Novice makes us look bad as a community
  10. Interesting, gotta check dates to see. Fingers crossed
  11. What's going on with RTL/IOL's 56 58 13 13. Shouldn't they be 49 50 6 6 or so? Everything else looks money though, not many guys pushing GIGA boards like this, good work boss !
  12. Not to put words in his mouth but I took it as him saying he does this after a crack, so running cold for a while and this is his method of re seating the thermal paste so he can keep benching
  13. So Spiedie's best efficiency is with jre6u20 (Win7?) Min 3989.60, max 4384.42, diff 394.82, ratio 9.90%, best jre6u20 G3258 4.7Ghz And Raules had better luck with version : 9.0.x.x on W7 64 test g3258 version : 9.0.x.x os : win7 64 4,7ghz 4429 I guess it's time to do some testing and see what I get
  14. You just post this and they re already sold out
  15. What kinds of things are you looking for, DDR4/3 plus cash or ?
  16. Clean as P . H . U . C . K !
  17. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    I am buying this today, just need Dumo's Google Wallet info and she's mine !
  18. Think he means the 4000mhz kits of B Die http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232268&cm_re=tridentz-_-20-232-268-_-Product
  19. GtiJason

    SS, Pots and dewar

    I'll take the Tek 9 Pot, continue PM for PayPal info Edit, Talked with Sunset1. He's got my Ph # if you guys need to call
  20. Doesn't matter changing subtimings, 64bit OS is the problem. I believe you can change max mem in os to under 4000mb while mems in xmp and go back to bios and set bench timings and freq. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?292331-***Official-ASRock-z170-OC-Formula-Finger-Pop-OC-Bonanza-UKNOWDAT-Edition-FTW-ETC***&p=5268923&viewfull=1#post5268923
  21. Haha, nice whip ! About 200 gallons of preminum fuel each way. Not to mention the required milage maintainance package for $20k for driving 2500 miles. Don't worry the car will send this info to the dealer whom will void your warranty if not done within 30 days. "Sorry pal, I've already let you pass on the stem lube but I legally can't let you drive off without the Lambo platinum wheel weights"
  22. I think he sold both i know who got 580 and i wanted dimas 2.5... bump
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