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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. Selling a kit of Kingston hypers, they both fail to do 950MHz 6-7-5 32m at 1,9V 20€ + shipping (13€ in the EU) for the kit.
  2. That might just be a 8GHz valid chip you got there (ofc. on LN2)
  3. TAGG

    Platinum 7640X

    Oops is was reading that as 7940X
  4. TAGG

    Platinum 7640X

    Unless that's a typo and you mean 4,5Ghz that is 100% impossible
  5. Your chip was running 5,61GHz during that run i calculated efficiency and that score would fit for that freq If it was 5.35GHz it would be too good to be true Doesn't the UD9 have some way to adjust multi in OS? i allways booted up my intended bclk and then raised multi in OS to make sure everything displayed correctly...
  6. Yep, that guy lives 30 minutes away from me If anyone wants them i can pick them up anytime, but they don't fit in my car upright, so i'm not getting them.
  7. That's a good chip you got there :) Seems like i'll need LN2 :D
  8. I'm thinking about buying one or 2 XL-60s from Taylor Wharton, but according to some sources i have found preassurized dewars have way worse storrage time then unpreassurized ones... Has anyone got experience with preassurized dewars or even the speciffic TWs i mentioned? Any feedback would be appreciated Allso what would you pay for them cause i have no idea about fair market price for the preassurized kind
  9. Looking for some fatboddies for some testing on early DDR2 platforms Prefferably something that can do at least 400MHz cl3-2-2 but a bit worse will likely allso be OK
  10. Any of the L3014s left?
  11. Pinmods allso tested... as a matter of fact i don't have the board anymore... @ShaggySVK has it he wanted to try and fix it, so I gave it to him since I have AN7 and another NF7 incomming
  12. Tried that allready... I think the socket is just fucked... some contact issues On the positive side i have another board incomming because my NF7-S allso decided to quit (shorted SB)
  13. While you guys talk about rebenching I have to get off my ass and bin the 15+ 6000+s i have
  14. Real multi for that chip is x27, so the frequency displayed by GPUPI is the correct one (27*143)
  15. PMed
  16. 0,02V less and 0,05GHz more and you're spot on @TapPaKah They are dual QPI but only run on one with X58, no idea about single core on LN2 only ran R15 but all the other cascade scores are with this chip I actually only binned 22 X5690s to find 2 that do what i stated above on air, LN2 test of the 2nd one incomming this week
  17. Thanks guys @skulstation, the one you have should allso do at least 6GHz (the better one) @AutisticChris I have one and another one of these crazy chips @AutisticChris
  18. Yep, now all I need is a board w/o half dead NB
  19. Seems like you own that front page again :) Good job :)
  20. Just all sorts of stuff bios frezing randomly the board not getting into BIOS over 270 FSB (but booting and running CB R11.5) Cool & Quiet doing nothing maybe i should reflash BIOS...
  21. If they remove it so be it this board is too much of a bitch for me to even care at that point... EDIT: But if you do please do it some time soon so i can find ASUS board before the comp ends..
  22. RIP AN7 seems like these boards like to blow SBs... MY NF7-S did the same
  23. My chips are cursed the other chip allso has a bad core
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