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Everything posted by TAGG

  1. That was the problem indeed, reflowed the corroded looking VRM controller and the board appears to work fine, just have to put back the Fusitsu cap, after checking if it is good
  2. My asrock Extreme 11 did the same(for me it was D chanel), cleaning the socket wth some contact cleaner did the job Otherwise try bone stock settings and see if it returns, some boards loose mem channels, but usually that's because of high BCLK, which surely isn't the issue with R4E...
  3. Z170 OCF sold, added some cedar mills and watercooling stuff
  4. I have one win 7 install where it doesn't happen, not sure why though... Easiest was for me is to use X58A-OC boot low multi high BCLK and then raise multi in OS
  5. Great Score, nice seeing you back at it :)
  6. Final pricedrops
  7. Just random pick, Thanks guys, now i'll go back to intel (after one more 8350)
  8. I'm just running it cause somehow i can't POST over 330MHz FSB on any x48 i tried so far... Seems OK
  9. Fixed Thanks to all of you, will keep pushing for sure
  10. Batch is 5626A667 and the chip has no right to be as good as it is
  11. Since it's 6-core max, why not 2011? Xeons are cheaper than 4930k
  12. Sorry my mate, but cinebench screenie rules have changed a bit since you last benched :( You have to show the whole rendering now, so no cpu-z in front of it :)
  13. I'm selling it at a price i can get locally for any 4Gb kit, it's just here in case someone wants to try some PSC on the cheap, not worth my time further testing it...
  14. Added some stuff
  15. You can bug it in the other direction as well if that helps as motivation to fix it, lowering bclk raises multi to impossible levels (see attached pic)
  16. TAGG

    [WTB] Rare Adapters

    CPU adapter of course, what good are heatsinks anyways
  17. Is that your 650MHz board? If so what settings was that score done at?
  18. TAGG

    [WTB] Rare Adapters

    UP/ Board added
  19. Socket F lot sold
  20. The IDE to SATA adapter explains why I was allways struggeling on 370... I was using native IDE drives I got the Abit ST6-Raid BTW, was cheaper locally than the ASUS boards and should do decent, so i guess get whatesver your local market offers on the cheap A good source for the quimondas is mushkins essentials memory, lot of the 256mb single sided and allmost all of the 512MB modules were quimonda
  21. TAGG

    [WTB] Rare Adapters

    Another push for good measure
  22. Never ran it But i have another B2 that should be a bit better than yours, just felt like benching a M0 chip
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