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The official HWBOT Team Cup 2015 - SC1: CPU Challenge thread.

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The Team Cup launch hasn't been super smooth, sadly enough. Before competitions like this would all be arranged by one or two people, but now what we're expanding the staff and getting more people involved in the discussion and launch of competitions, we sometimes get out of sync.


The artwork is ready, the stages almost, ...

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  • Crew

While I understand that things take time, it still would be useful to know when it starts. After two years our team will met finally again and one of the reasons was the TeamCup. Now it seems we were to early. This is a little bit disappointing. :/

We relied on esports timeline, it seems this was a big mistake.

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  • Crew
hold your horses guy. It will come..


You misunderstand me, I didnt poke the staff because I have nothing else to do as benching for TC. Under normal circumstances I wouldnt care when TC starts, cause its done when its done and it starts when it starts. But this year we tried to be smart, looking at esport schedule and saw that it starts in April and organizing a meeting end of May. So know it is nearly end of May and TC will start _maybe_ in June. Of course its too late than, well you can understand that Im really upset.

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While I understand that things take time, it still would be useful to know when it starts. After two years our team will met finally again and one of the reasons was the TeamCup. Now it seems we were to early. This is a little bit disappointing. :/

We relied on esports timeline, it seems this was a big mistake.


I'm really sorry about that. We really had the intention to start at "the right time", but couldn't finish at the right time due to bad planning. It's not a great excuse, but it's what happens.


We are now also looking in to a different problem: 95% of the Novices and Rookies are not part of an overclocking team. I want to resolve this as soon as possible.


Depending on the Computex workload we can kick off June 15 or July 15.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We are now also looking in to a different problem: 95% of the Novices and Rookies are not part of an overclocking team. I want to resolve this as soon as possible.

Massman any ideas for getting those Novices and Rookies involved? I know that when I was contacting even pretty experienced people via PM to recruit for Country Cup, many times I only heard back very late, or not at all. I feel like many of them don't know these forums exist or spend very little time here, so it's tough to steer them into a team via personal contact. Are there other ways of doing it early in the process?


And any updates on a TC start date?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible to enable the HWBot page for this as well?


Takes forever to see all the different stages using the OC-Esports page


Edit : has the overview area changed as I was typing this or did I just miss it completely :P


Either way it's fine now :)

Edited by ObscureParadox
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