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gulftown ES vs Retail


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Hey all you ES-haters out there!


Over the last couple of months, we've been pushing retail-only competitions at HWBOT to make sure the playing field is even. In the contrary to what people are trying to say in this thread (and anywhere else), disallowing ES is not better. Yes, maybe it can give one or two persons the option to compete, but in the end those with retail-only hardware don't compete (I do see a couple of brave clockers giving it a shot - double thumbs up for them).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Best 980X E.S. vs best 980X retail today:


Pi 1M ? 6843MHz vs 6481MHz = 362MHz higher

Pi 32M ? 6687MHz vs 6278MHz = 409MHz higher

3D Mark05 ? 6705MHz vs 6458MHz = 247MHz higher

3D Mark06 ? 6452MHz vs 6257MHz = 195MHz higher

3D Mark Vantage ? 6203MHz vs 5906MHz = 297MHz higher

AquaMark 3 ? 6485MHz or higher vs 6468MHz = few MHz higher, more pieces vs 1-2 retail pieces globally



Still insisting that we'll see 980X retails surpassing the E.S. ?

Chances of seeing 980X B2 retail stepping are 50-50.

Edited by BenchZowner
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Hicookie's chip is far better than the rest. The rest aren't that much better than what you'd call a good retail.


That's far from the truth man.

First of all, the top ES in the above post isn't hicookie's.

Even if you ignore hicookie's chip ( you can ignore it, the rankings don't... ), check the rest... max Pi1M of E.S. = at least 5 chips at ~6.6GHz.

max Pi1M of retails = 2 or 3 chips at ~6.45GHz.

max pifast of E.S. = at least 5 chips at ~6.6GHz

max pifast of retails = about 5 chips at 6.45GHz...


One quick look at the rankings proves me right.

If you want to get in the top 5-10 of a benchmark except 3D Mark2001SE, you need to have a good ES or have Bill Gates order 1000 980X retails for you to play with.

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I don't think 150MHz is THAT much. It's roughly 2.3%... Given the volume of retails I bet the gap will decrease with time.


Sure Hicookie got a freak chip, but it's not really comparable to anything else. Based on his chip alone, the rest suck - retails a tad less than the best (other) ES's.

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Why don't you ask Andre who has binned retails too and see what his best chip managed... ;)


362MHz @ Pi1M

409MHz @ Pi32M


How exactly can somebody catch up with these ?

Unless you want to insist on "the best retail pi chip hasn't been found yet" story.


I hate to point the obvious, and to some it sounds like whining ( take it any way you want it ), but submitting scores obtained on non-purchased hardware benched at a manufacturer's location should also be prohibited ( or at least not ranked ).


May I ask one paradoxical question ?

How many people would keep benching on HWbot IF there was another similar oc ranking website but with E.S. restrictions ? ;)

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I tried with humour, but it did not work.


OK. How much money is involved in extreme overclocking? How well do you get paid by submitting WR to HWbot or any forums?

I would understand these emotions, if there would be a lot of money involved. Then it would be normal.


I don't understand why these hardware things have to be so serious to so many people. It is overclocking, nothing else.

If you have strong emotions and feel really unfair, take a deep breath and think again. No ones life will not be ruined if Hicookies chip can reach 7GHz. We should be happy when hardware is pushed to it's limits, but no.


Let's all cry together and sing some beatles...

"Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Oh, I believe in yesterday....


Take it easy and peace for all!

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First of all who said that it's about the money ( btw there's some money, no you won't become the new Bill Gates this way though ). [ on another thought, you can't ask people to spend their money getting several retails to prove that what you guys think is true, that there retails as good as the E.S.'s ]

Money is a piece of sh1t.


Some people value more significant things than money.

Participating and SPENDING ( spending, not making ) money in a totally unfair league is different.

While I don't give a flying f*ck about getting any money out of this, others might.

Others might care about getting sponsored or some kind of support ( even if it's just an LN2 sponsor ).

Nowadays manufacturers that sponsor people for OCing, take a look at the top of the bot and say let's pick him.

So "by design" most of the OCers won't be able to even have the slightest chance of getting sponsored or just reaching the top 10 without going through several E.S. ( that come from a second hand, and of course who guarantees you that it's not X overclocker on ebay selling the bad E.S. he cleared through binning ) or hundreds of retails.


Until we see a retail ( and no, don't think of CPU-z or screenshot altering c*ckheads ) benching Pi1m @ 6.7G you can all jump around claiming that it's all about luck and that there's no advantage for the ES's over the retail chips, but you do know deep inside that it's not true.


You can't imagine how many people talk to me about this every day and how many would like to express their thoughts but they don't.

Some people don't want to, some people don't have what it takes to voice their opinion, some people are afraid of things, and some don't care ( especially when it comes to having the advantage ).

I ain't taking a piss, and definitely don't give a rat's a*s and always say what I have to say regardless of the consequences, I'm no manufacturer's b*tch and nobody's "slave".


Have a nice day.

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Wow, that is a lot of big words there. The message must be taken seriously for sure!


(ed: just before I wanted to click 'post' I realized I'm not supposed to use sarcasm anymore. I meant: swearing normally doesn't help in forums)


May I ask one paradoxical question ?

How many people would keep benching on HWbot IF there was another similar oc ranking website but with E.S. restrictions ? ;)


For one, that's not a paradox. A paradox would be benching with retail hardware that was sampled by the engineers.


I'm sure that some would go to the other website and some won't, just like some watch Nascar, some watch F1 and some watch both. What disturbs me about what you are going to is that there are some people out there that consider the ES samples the biggest problem of their hobby, whereas I always figured it was just about having fun. In fact, in the early days of HWBOT, people didn't like the points because it gave overclocking a different, unpleasant dimension (hence why the 'no boints'-status was added).


When it comes to hardware support, being either in the form of CPU or VGA, there are a few people out there that are nearly untouchable. It's up to you (and others) to determine whether that's solely because of the best hardware or also (maybe) because of their skill. Only thing I know is that when I'm benching I'm trying to improve my own ranking than desperatelly try to overcome the 'big guys'. Maybe I'm only 20th in AM3 or 15th in PiFast ... that doesn't really matter since I'm just trying to improve my own rank and help the team a bit. Although I only have acces to a limited supply of hardware, I managed to get into the top-10 one day and I was proud of that.


Now, the way I see this maybe a little bit different than you guys. I don't really understand to what extent this complaint for getting things 'more fair' is really getting ... because it will never be fair and I'm sure you all know this as well. The best I can come up with is that removing the ES would give some kind of more bright dream about one day getting on the top of the rankings ... as if you'd have more chance on world records when there's retail only. Reality is a bit different: whoever is capable of binning A0 to the extreme, is also capable of binning B1 to the extreme. Whoever is capable of binning 100 video cards ... and so on.


For the record, maybe it's also good to have a look at the current Aquamark standings. Although the A0 madness has been going on for quite a while now, quite a lot of the top-20 scores are in fact fully retail (11/20). Maybe it's not possible in all benchmark, but it is in some benchmarks ...

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How many people would keep benching on HWbot IF there was another similar oc ranking website but with E.S. restrictions ? ;)


You'd have an entire Retail Army knocking on your door then Hwbot would turn into a Professional League of SPonsored/Paid or Manufacturer employed overclockers battling it out.

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