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HWBOT R5 Bugs/Features 2.0 - Report bugs or request new HWBOT features here


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Can you go to "http://hwbot.org/profile/ > Recalculate points and achievements" and recalculate your points. This might fix the issue.


Problem still appears. Today I submitted score - I should get +2 global points (23 instead 21 or sth like that). But i received 15 to my total count. Recalculation doesn't help at all.

Edited by bartx
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This should be one of them


Seems to be fixed now.


Problem still appears. Today I submitted score - I should get +2 global points (23 instead 21 or sth like that). But i received 15 to my total count. Recalculation doesn't help at all.


Added to the buglist.


The League Points seem to be bugged right now. There is probably an underlying issue causing this.


None of these users are in Team PURE. They seem to belong to PC Games Hardware, must be a weird bug that causes this to happen.


Issue seems to have resolved itself


Did the catch had any update?


Not yet.


Included it as bug report in the backlog http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1213.


My score is not updating after submitting new benchmarks. I have done recalculate 3 times already with no update.


Score = league points or submission points?

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Points earned

League points: 639 in Overclockers League

Team Power Points: 700.2 earned for the team (GTPP and: HTPP)

Worldrecord: 0 earned with world records

Global: 200.2 earned in benchmark rankings

Hardware: 454.8 earned in hardware rankings

competition: 1 earned in competitions

Total Points: 656 points in total


Here from my profile its says i have 639 League points and Total Points 656.

Shouldn't the League Points be the same as Total points? Currently it also shows me ranked at 639 points not 656 points.

I have tried recalculating 3 days in a row with no change.

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Feature request:

Result's comment notification


Simple as it sounds - when someone comments your score, you get notified so the commenter doesn't have to wait months for a respond. Maybe make them like the achievement notification on the main page.

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