uncle fester Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Well lets start a poll as a community website lets see what the community wants. Quote
hokiealumnus Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 I voted for bring back the Pro League and add the Pro OC Cup, however despite my snarky posts about being in limbo, I think we should at least give the Pro OC Cup at least one quarter before "forcing" Pro OC to come back (via a good old fashioned Pieter beat down; or a poll, I guess...). Quote
Rasparthe Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 I'm glad you added the "Who cares" option, got my vote. Although I don't really think any OCer should sit in Limbo, so really my vote is for: "Who cares about Pro League". Good luck guys, glad to finally see some passion out of that section of HWBOT. Quote
guerreiro215 Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Bring back vote on the Pro League It was not to be over ... Quote
phil Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 I voted option #1 that expesses best my opinion. Quote
Crew TeamAU Posted March 7, 2013 Crew Posted March 7, 2013 trust fester to stir up some trouble Quote
uncle fester Posted March 7, 2013 Author Posted March 7, 2013 trust fester to stir up some trouble Quiet dinos puppet, lol. Hey let's just look at facts of what the community wants. Quote
Massman Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 This vote will provide very useful information to take into consideration when having an evaluation after three Cups! Quote
phil Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 But to be more reallistick it sould be a poll only for Pro overclockers.I beleave that extreme overclockers who don't want Pros coming back to XOL will vote #1. Quote
Mikecdm Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 But to be more reallistick it sould be a poll only for Pro overclockers.I beleave that extreme overclockers who don't want Pros coming back to XOL will vote #1. You are right, XOL shouldn't vote unless they too want to participate in Pro Cup or go pro. I personally have no issue with pro's coming down to XOL. How can I say i'm ranked #x in the world when there are people in pro league who would be high ranked. There could even be people in enthusiast league that are high ranked, but since there are 3 three leagues, i don't know. Even if they were unbiased XOL members voting, who are we to say what the pros should do. They are not here to entertain us. Many and I would hope that most bench because the want to. They have their motivation and reasons, but I'm not one who should be judging. I for one, commend them for standing up and not joining Pro OC if it something that they do not want to do or do not agree with. They shouldn't be forced if they don't want to. Unfortunately, it seems that they have no options, its either join or not be ranked. I'd personally continue to post scores and bench what i want. Fuck the rankings, WR will still be WR and golds will still be golds. They will still show up on the front page and people will still praise or acknowledge their accomplishments. Quote
Bobnova Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 I think Massman's point is that the Pros are here to entertain us. They're the ones that are supposed to be making OCing exciting and spreading it. The only way to do that is to entertain. Quote
knopflerbruce Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 You are right, XOL shouldn't vote unless they too want to participate in Pro Cup or go pro. I personally have no issue with pro's coming down to XOL. How can I say i'm ranked #x in the world when there are people in pro league who would be high ranked. There could even be people in enthusiast league that are high ranked, but since there are 3 three leagues, i don't know. Even if they were unbiased XOL members voting, who are we to say what the pros should do. They are not here to entertain us. Many and I would hope that most bench because the want to. They have their motivation and reasons, but I'm not one who should be judging. I for one, commend them for standing up and not joining Pro OC if it something that they do not want to do or do not agree with. They shouldn't be forced if they don't want to. Unfortunately, it seems that they have no options, its either join or not be ranked. I'd personally continue to post scores and bench what i want. bunny the rankings, WR will still be WR and golds will still be golds. They will still show up on the front page and people will still praise or acknowledge their accomplishments. I sort of agree Though I dont think all the pro league participants are real pros, and therefore should not be 'allowed' to vote in your poll. A bunch of the "old" pros were just XOL guys who asked to be moved. My vote is just as valid as theirs. Quote
SoF Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 d) Keep the league but I couldn't care less about a pro-oc cup... Quote
rbuass Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 So.... looks like hwbot will keep this way to about 1 year. That's a pity... Quote
zeropluszero Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 But to be more reallistick it sould be a poll only for Pro overclockers.I beleave that extreme overclockers who don't want Pros coming back to XOL will vote #1. as an XOC, I cant disagree, and definitely voted #1 Quote
sgpetre Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 I participated more before, and now I have time or money, but I intend to go back soon. But occasionally, I like to see how things are going and it seems that they are not good here. Not wanting to intrude myself, and from what I understand, Hwbot removed something that hwbot encouraged before, in previuos revision.. If this is right, so I am with to keep Pro league Quote
gnidaol Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 I see the CUP as a very good thing.. I see possibilities of one day non pro overclockers achieving more support to join the pros in this cup model. It's way easier to ask for support for a specific event than to an endless league. But on the side, the league, I think it should be as it was before, a more static rank with only crazy sponsored dudes getting the most boints they can. I vote for both, I don't have support to be on the pro OC league for now, but I see my self somewhere in the future gathering a team to try some good scores in a timed competition among the sponsored guys and everybody else who got prepared for three months of top overclocking. These two concepts can live together without any loss IMHO and they are both positive for the entire OC community. Quote
nacho_arroyo Posted March 12, 2013 Posted March 12, 2013 So.... looks like hwbot will keep this way to about 1 year.That's a pity... +1 Quote
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