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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Griff, you have message.
  2. You don't need a licensed/activated OS to bench with. There are very few benchs that even require an internet connection. Pending the hardware you intend to bench, and the bench, you will want to have a copy of pretty much every OS from W98 to W10, though you could get by with just XP x86, W7 x64, and W10 x64, pending the level of competition you would like to bench at. There are plenty of ISO's around available for free. Deb, you know me from a couple different places, if you need anything, chances are I can help you. http://warp9-systems.proboards.com/
  3. Anything over 3.3-3.4v you are at risk.
  4. No. I meant you need a SPD tab in your ss for any comp bench that has to do with memory.
  5. Why have a rig pic at all then? You should lobby for that next.
  6. You said it.......I didn't. I also dig the rig pic shown is running a P4 641 on it. Not even a pic running either of the mentioned CPU's. lol
  7. Can't prove any of it positively, that's why.
  8. LOL You are a master of deflection.
  9. So......in less than 3 minutes, you had a LN2 bench done, stripped of pot, processor changed, pot remounted, and a second bench done? No confusion here.
  10. Ask a mod to make you one. Or... come visit us at Warp 9. We would be happy to have you on our team. :):) http://warp9-systems.proboards.com/
  11. Ask your new team's captain to re-calc the team. Don't need a mod to do that for you.
  12. Slots not being the same make it completely different. No rocket science involved here.
  13. I disagree. If they were interchangeable it would be a different story.
  14. I would dump the dogpile stages for just that reason. Interesting the first time but impossible to control.
  15. Excellent question. I do understand it's for the greater good, but excellent question none the less.
  16. Your dupe acct is Liq-met, isn't it.
  17. It is encouraging to see both of you at least thinking about the legacy hardware benchers. I thank you for that.
  18. Some legacy hardware will run on nothing but XP or older. You would condemn this to death. I suppose that this would be an acceptable loss for most on HWB, but not for a few of us.
  19. A lot of people would like to see that Mat. Unfortunately, a clean slate start is the only way to achieve that and I doubt you'll ever see that here.
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