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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. That's a valid concern that shouldn't be just wiped away. As it stands, XTU should be stripped of all points until it's fixed or can at least be moderated without any question. Who knows how many scores have already been manipulated.
  2. The object is 'old school'. This will limit participation right off the bat, so that shouldn't even be a concern. People that want to bench this comp will buy what they don't already have anyway. People that don't have or won't buy, are out. Simple as that. Cater this comp to the true 'old schoolers' and quit trying to involve everybody. 'Old school' rarely sparks new interest in competitive benching as a whole.
  3. Alby, if I may call you by your name, I find it a shame that you think you have to quit supporting your team in order to fulfill your thankless voluntary job here at HWB. Personally, I would quit the staff first just to have fun with my hobby and enjoy my teams company, and other teams members company for that matter. You should reconsider. Neither you nor Michael should have to fall on the sword for other peoples actions or opinions. Just my 2 cents.....FWIW. ~Scotty
  4. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error> <Code>HttpVersionNotSupported</Code> <Message>The HTTP version specified is not supported.</Message> <RequestId>9C07A5CF016B891B</RequestId> <HostId> jU6bIyNH0nJ/Liz30FOxJ3Dk0El57Z6MZUH2rszaE6WBDJWWtJdtuAxdDhU0xTj7ewVbmK6CaMW6ytNkvr+LKhDh1tp+oEiA </HostId> </Error> You fail.
  5. Warp9 does indeed support consistency. Every team in the league has had subs removed for something stupid. It happens. I am all in for taking care of this without involving the staff here. If anybody has a problem with any W9 subs anywhere, feel free to message me and I will take care of it. The mod staff has a huge thankless job here and if I can alleviate some of that for them I will.
  6. Lemme pose a question here. Suppose a team or teams......or individuals for that matter, were to enter their contest subs, and then DDOS the crap out of the site. Think that would bring the site to a crawl enough to impede others from subbing their results before the contests end ?
  7. I do not envy Mr. Websmiles job right now. I see subs with missing requirements. There will be some unhappy people.
  8. Remove the 's' from https.
  9. Meh......I said the exact same thing the other day and had my post removed.
  10. This is a very good bench Havli. Thank you for all the work you put in on this. It would have been a shame to just throw it away. :celebration:
  11. FWIW, W9 is not in it for the prizes. We would be doing the same thing we are now if there weren't any.
  12. Exchanging thoughts is as far as the last umpteen discussions on this subject went. I expect the outcome will remain the same.
  13. lol 3 letters X-T-U Think about it
  14. You do realize that Intel is a major sponsor of HWB right? You're smoking crack if you think you have any chance of getting HWB to dump sponsors to "make it fair" for a handful of nobody overclockers to acquire a few worthless boints.
  15. You are not the only one.
  16. I'll laugh right in your face. This is not an "organized sport". It is a semi organized competitive hobby that is totally supported by sponsorship money. As for your amount of time overclocking, I laugh at that too. It means nothing. FWIW, I've been into this hobby for 2 decades. I'll still deal with it. I'll be around well after you throw in the towel. What YOU have to deal with is........it's not your site or your rules. You comply and have fun with what you're doing, or GTFO. It's that simple.
  17. Deal with it. Sponsored guys that work in the industry will ALWAYS get new hardware to test before the public. That's their job. Don't like it?.......quit the hobby or strive to get a job in the industry. B1tching about it won't get you anywhere, and will change nothing.
  18. You'll be fine. No possible way to prove/disprove temps.
  19. I'm actually trying NOT to get involved, as this subject has been beaten to death here already. The misinformation: Very, very, few Elites, or anybody else for that matter, get anything for free. Most of the people that do, actually work in the industry for manufacturers. Testing/benching is part of their job. Hardware samples is one of their perks. Don't tell me that you get no perks at your job, because everybody does one way or another. Not necessarily true. You have ice at home right? What if my home was in Siberia? I'd have access to -50 degree air, and sub zero water.
  20. Message me. Thanks Al.
  21. I'll take the zero. Their site has been nothing but problems since it's inception. Got no patience for that.
  22. Same issue for me.
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