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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. You will lose participation by running stuff that old and difficult to bench. I personally have no problem with it, but I like you are the minority here. Have to keep this much simpler.
  2. Bad break. Maybe HWB should think about actually enforcing punishment when the cheats are caught, instead of just slapping their wrists and sending them back in to do it again. Non enforcement will cause more people to leave than 'selective' enforcement. Unless that's the way HWB wants to roll, keeping their top 20 players and sponsors happy and losing most of the 'real' members.
  3. Because you have no choice after the fact. Nobody can tell what is real and what is cheated.
  4. Then what's the point of updating if you're gonna leave the potentially cheated scores anyways? If you leave the scores, then points must be disabled for the bench. Just like HWBprime.
  5. I forgot about that, so yes, the current subs can/should be sorted.
  6. Oh yes you can. For this same reason right here. Not to mention HWBprime was stripped of points for pretty much the same reason already. And UCBench. Be consistent.
  7. It's been a long time since any of those were benched. I'd be up for any of those.
  8. Mr.Scott


    Don't let shipping cost scare you away. I will tender any deal you make with Pete. I am located in the US.
  9. I think the ban on server HW was aimed more at the IT people that had access to the huge core count super computers at work. The rest are just collateral damage.
  10. That's a valid concern that shouldn't be just wiped away. As it stands, XTU should be stripped of all points until it's fixed or can at least be moderated without any question. Who knows how many scores have already been manipulated.
  11. The object is 'old school'. This will limit participation right off the bat, so that shouldn't even be a concern. People that want to bench this comp will buy what they don't already have anyway. People that don't have or won't buy, are out. Simple as that. Cater this comp to the true 'old schoolers' and quit trying to involve everybody. 'Old school' rarely sparks new interest in competitive benching as a whole.
  12. Alby, if I may call you by your name, I find it a shame that you think you have to quit supporting your team in order to fulfill your thankless voluntary job here at HWB. Personally, I would quit the staff first just to have fun with my hobby and enjoy my teams company, and other teams members company for that matter. You should reconsider. Neither you nor Michael should have to fall on the sword for other peoples actions or opinions. Just my 2 cents.....FWIW. ~Scotty
  13. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <Error> <Code>HttpVersionNotSupported</Code> <Message>The HTTP version specified is not supported.</Message> <RequestId>9C07A5CF016B891B</RequestId> <HostId> jU6bIyNH0nJ/Liz30FOxJ3Dk0El57Z6MZUH2rszaE6WBDJWWtJdtuAxdDhU0xTj7ewVbmK6CaMW6ytNkvr+LKhDh1tp+oEiA </HostId> </Error> You fail.
  14. Warp9 does indeed support consistency. Every team in the league has had subs removed for something stupid. It happens. I am all in for taking care of this without involving the staff here. If anybody has a problem with any W9 subs anywhere, feel free to message me and I will take care of it. The mod staff has a huge thankless job here and if I can alleviate some of that for them I will.
  15. Lemme pose a question here. Suppose a team or teams......or individuals for that matter, were to enter their contest subs, and then DDOS the crap out of the site. Think that would bring the site to a crawl enough to impede others from subbing their results before the contests end ?
  16. I do not envy Mr. Websmiles job right now. I see subs with missing requirements. There will be some unhappy people.
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