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Everything posted by yosarianilives

  1. They can be way slower, you forget the tlb bug that was patched on 1st gen k10 which took easily 30% performance because it just disabled the tlb. You guys keep asking "why would amd lower their opencl performance" well if something raises performance in one very specific scenario that can't be seen anywhere else but causes system lock ups in some specific enterprise scenario wouldn't you disable it? This could just as well be a patch of some obscure tlb or predictive cache algorithm that fixed an obscure system lockup scenario but absolutely murders performance for a different edge case. How would you propose that this agesa is altering the workload as it clearly hasn't affected timekeeping?
  2. I'm sorry, but wut!? You're comparing 1st gen k10 to 3rd gen k10. They're not remotely the same, like at all. Huge difference in amount of cache and cache layout to start as well as actual slight improvements to the arch even over k10.5 (deneb/thuban) with things like a better hw prefetcher. A much better comparison if you want to compare to another k10 based chip would be a phenom II. Anyways not sure why you're all so confused that a certain agesa is faster even if it's older, look at 1st gen ryzen where past a certain agesa wprime scores suck. That's a modern platform where newer agesa totally messed up latency for certain operations. Hell it could be just like the agesa that launched with 1st gen k10 that disabled the tlb. Just because it's worse at opencl loads doesn't mean there was a bug related to opencl.
  3. I don't know any ambient numbers, I only have a phase change to test on. Spreadsheet should show r11.5 speed on 6 cores
  4. B-die isn't gonna care that it's been at 1.9v, doesn't degrade it in the slightest. What it damages is the semi-fragile IMC on the cpu.
  5. Not on the mocf, but I did get 32gb to 4000 mhz on z270 soc, so the IMC is capable of it. http://hwbot.org/submission/3779670_yosarianilives_3dmark2001_se_hd_graphics_630_63783_marks
  6. Bump, I'll cover shipping, even international, if anyone buys the entire lot, also price drop on 840t's that don't unlock to 6 cores
  7. He also uses it as a reference frequency score. Not sure who he thinks he's fooling but this goes beyond ignorance of how to submit a bench score
  8. Does anyone have an info on unlocking multiplier on Phenom II's? I've heard about core unlocking and cache unlocking so you'd think that it might be possible to also unlock the multiplier. So far the only info on this I can find is a single ocinside.de article on a single board. Does anyone know any more about this?
  9. Bump, can work out deals on international shipping if you buy several items
  10. For sale today I have a few am3 cpus from some binning I've been doing for Team Cup as well as some OCZ ddr3 I found. Will split shipping on all orders of multiple items, international included. Phenom II x4 840t and Athlon II 640 #25, 26, 28 (unlock to 6 core cpu) $20 shipped (cont US) each Phenom II x4 840t and Athlon II 640 #19, 27, 29 $10 shipped (cont US) each, Phenom II x4 955 BE $20+ship Sold to Shadyreaper Binning numbers here, all binning done at 1.65v core on single stage phase change. OCZ ddr3 $5+ship per stick Any questions comment or PM below
  11. I've always understood that the "rgb layout" was optimal for max mhz but couldn't do good timings. I noticed on both my apex and z270 gaming that with my 4266 rgb kit only certain timings would stick, so I could run 4000 19-12-12-28 2t with tcl and tcr sticking high but I could bench this all day even with 4 dimms. At least that was my findings.
  12. I assume you mean legacy? I've not been able to get normal version of 3.1 or 3.2 to work at all.
  13. Just a quick sub from some binning, as always first chip I try is best chip with the other two being mediocre. Os effeciency is non existent, still need to do an xp install but core is very nice
  14. From what I've seen the easiest chips to get for that stage are 960t be, 840t, and athlon II 640t. The chips that you'd want to replace the second two that are near impossible at a reasonable price if at all are 970 be (zosma) and 960t (non-be). Have yet to find a 970be zosma but I did find 960t non-be for like $200 which is just a little too much :P
  15. You can't expect r/oc to not try to come up with the optimal hw for every stage before anyone else. This is no different than the 5775c and 6900k of yesteryear for me ?
  16. That must've been brutal, getting 20 pts on my single core bobcat chip took forever.
  17. Please add Dell 0G254H to database. https://valid.x86.fr/yi6id7 Also please add Hewlett-Packard 22C1 https://valid.x86.fr/y3e875 Thank you!
  18. Looking for a 3770k that isn't crap to replace my current one. If you have a golden chip kicking around you'd like to sell definitely also interested in prices on those as well.
  19. What are some good sources for socket replacement on motherboards inside the US? I've got a z97 ocf and a m7i with sockets that are missing pins and won't post. Or would I be better off to just go through Asus and Asrock for the replacement? Would it generally matter that the m7i is plastidipped?
  20. gonna go out on a limb here and say to follow the rules for bench with the exact same name as specified in comp. Gpupi 3.3 100m is a seperate bench from gpupi 100m. http://hwbot.org/news/11981_application_165_rules/
  21. Please close, sale is done
  22. Really dumb question as you got the others correct, but when the IHS is on you can see the little RFID chip correct? If not the IHS is on wrong and you shouldn't even be able to post the system. I ran into that when I delidded my 7940x the first time.
  23. You can do what some have done and join another team for the duration of the cup. Or else you can have your members bench nearly every stage. Last year r/oc had a similar number of active members and we got 4th overall. It came down to having a few people benching most every stage and doing everything we could to fill out the stages we couldn't source hw for as well as recruiting more for our team both within PC enthusiast communities on reddit and among our IRL friends.
  24. Definitely agreed, anything pre-2011 should allow server cpus sans certain cases like s604 (6c penryn anyone?) and lga 1567 (8 and 10c nehalem). Once you get to 2011 you start getting into cases like having to hunt for an unlocked xeon with more cores than consumer hedt or ridiculous core count xeons. So I guess most accurately, we should allow any server that offer same core count as consumer chips would be my opinion.
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