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Everything posted by Mikecdm

  1. W7 can be a bit tricky, ran into some issues myself.
  2. I spent a few hours the other day and ran into the same issue at first. I did as splave mentioned and put everything to stock and it finally ran the bench. I realized that what may have been stable enough to run other benches is nowhere near stable to run ycruncher.
  3. Thanks, finally starting to get the hang of this thing.
  4. change color of springs, might get you the mhz you need
  5. Its only for teamcup scores. In the rules for teamcup it says to have a sensors tab and normal gpu-z tab. Most of this hardware and background is for teamcup. But this stage is supposed to be ddr2.
  6. Elite vs extreme doesn't matter to me. I'm not sponsored and don't get free hardware. When I look at leaderboards, I look at overall. I look at where I fall among the "elite." I'm not a fan of separation by cooling.
  7. thanks, quick runs after failing with 8800 ultra
  8. card had 8 yr old dried up paste on it from the last time that i used it.
  9. you don't have to touch the cpu if you don't want. There are two mods on that board. With both mods done, you can just flash the bios and it'll work.
  10. Sarcasm since we're all being accused of using the same chip. Being that we both subbed a 7740x with nearly identical clocks around the same time.
  11. Everyone knows its the same chip, can't expect it to clock much higher
  12. Thanks, I recently bought two 560s and one 555 for team cup. The two 560s were pretty bad and the 560 i bought for last years team cup is even worse. So the 555 was best of 3 recent chips i bought.
  13. Thanks, these long runs are horrible. Was trying 6.7ghz, but couldn't get it to finish.
  14. Got lucky with random chip from ebay, it's pretty decent. Expected it to be garbage.
  15. wonder whats left on the flash drive
  16. Thanks, I had other issues, cpu wouldn't run 7.1 anymore, memory doesn't want to work right. Maybe score wouldn't have gone up at 7.1
  17. Thanks, too bad the blocks are junk. The standard mounting system doesn't work and couldn't get good mounts. I had to buy screws and put them in through the back.
  18. Mine degraded Using apex X now with same chip thats missing pad. Runs full pot with way lower dmi and pll.
  19. thanks, i tried slightly higher clocks but -01 randomly closed and i didn't care anymore. Getting this to boot into windows is also a pain.
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