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Everything posted by GeorgeStorm

  1. I'm struggling to sell my 7920x, why don't we swap chips and see if we have better luck with the other one?
  2. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    Buyer dropped out, another price drop.
  3. Holy moly I stop benching for a couple of months and look what happens :D Great work man!
  4. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    Open to offers, need this gone if I want to enter GOC
  5. THE biggest loss going to the new forum in my opinion.
  6. Or maybe Galax will try to get it first with HOF? Great work as always KP!
  7. Just single card I believe.
  8. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    7350k sold.
  9. TAGG's score vs mllr's vs yours from OCN all show different settings on the links, not sure if that's what he means. From looking at some other scores it looks like you ran at stock, but both TAGG and mllr changed settings, along with other users from other teams. But I've never run 3dm11 physics so I could be wrong @Leeghoofd
  10. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    Price drop to £600 including chipping in EU. Updated OP with 7350k
  11. I can see where you're coming from, since cinebench changed to 100% enforce the red box around the render whilst others are flexible. The rules/example screenshots could be updated and if so would need to be posted on the home page or similar so that all members will easily see they have been updated. But I think that might be something only @richba5tard might be able to do.
  12. So the issue seems to be the example screenshot showing larger areas as 'needed' than @Mr.Scotthas shown, however moderators have taken a common sense approach rather than following the example screenshot to a T (which I agree with), so perhaps @daimons would be pleased if the example screenshot was changed to show that only the number of the 3dmarks is really needed, rather than the larger area currently in the example screenshot? ( @Leeghoofd) Or of course I could be completely mistaken haha.
  13. Your screenshot will normally be approved even if some bits of the 'needed' windows are covered as long as none of the important information is.
  14. I think the language barrier can mean things come across much harsher than intended type thing.
  15. Nooo Leeg already knows I'm wanting to, maybe I'll be starting sooner now
  16. Naked flukes look weird. :D Great work as ever though!
  17. New dewars are very expensive yeah, most overclockers buy 2nd hand as a result. Your board isn't useless, and people have used a BIOS somewhere in this thread to get CL working on it I believe.
  18. Slightly confused, where do 'non ideal' screenshots come into this? The rules haven't changed with regards to screenshots for a while apart from r15, and the same rules apply to everyone so I feel like I'm missing something?
  19. You mean a dewar for 700usd? Also guessing you found the non M version for 120usd? As otherwise that was a ridiculous steal!
  20. GeorgeStorm

    i9 7920x

    As Matt said, £600 + shipping
  21. Shouldn't you be in elite by now? :P (if not I feel very sorry for your wallet!) Great work
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