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Everything posted by Splave

  1. awesome prices good luck with sale
  2. Alex just disable the 2.9 points you are getting for this and you can literally murder small children with no punishment if you choose that box
  3. ditch cat IMO can we have ANY current hardware stages though pretty please?
  4. Hedt 3dmark01 Firestrike ultra no nvidia Pifast for benchmate
  5. Stages are a joke. Have fun guys I'm out. Edit: this came off harsher than I meant my bad
  6. Thanks @Leeghoofd and old school benchers at ocn. The real mvps.
  7. Nice result. Please disable points use benchmate or use windows 7.
  8. maybe he will forget to rebuy the domain and someone that gives a shit can take it over
  9. try 12 12 12 12 or 12 12 12 11 ram timings can be funny, but its also what makes them fun to play with. lower not always better
  10. whats wrong with the mocf I maybe interested
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