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Everything posted by Splave

  1. Gets told F you..... Goes ahead and fixes the guys problem anyway. Goodguymatt
  2. you win the internet for today, time to unplug and try again tomorrow
  3. Everyone hates the manufacturers till they are supported by one this is nothing new here and is the goal of many. It just seems that samples now still go to the same people even if they aren't currently the most skilled. Perhaps that's the stagnation we are feeling.
  4. can you guys make a bios to use r0 processors without the performance loss of the new microcode XD
  5. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EJ2nety8YUJlTlTBgXqg0p6_r3kvrxnX GBIOS relinked
  6. Money just ruins everything anyways. Keep it open and free. Companies handing free gear to people to open the box on youtube just makes me laugh. A sucker is born every minute.
  7. spacing is too short on the mocf 16 and 8x slots or would have surely a better board than the pgx
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