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Everything posted by unityofsaints

  1. Should be elite league instead of enthusiast? Time for 6K
  2. Thx guys. Tons of MHz left in this chip, it's not delidded yet and not maxed on Vcore either. Just wanted to give it a spin on the stream, may eventually run it direct-die like my 4690K
  3. Stock as in stock frequency. There is not even an overclock involved here
  4. Are we really dissecting two stock subs? I thought XOC was dying but if we find the time to discuss this then maybe not...
  5. Still looking. Anyone in the U.S. got one? I have a shipment going U.S. -> Australia soon anyway from my mail forwarder, can add this
  6. Yeah it's not like you can give it moar volts :(
  7. Yes that's the target for LN2 but IMC won't do 3700 C11 on air, no way. Need that cold scaling. This is a known issue with Ryzen 1000: the IMC gets worse with cold. Here is Elmor's graph (from overclocking.guide) : Ryzen 2000 no longer has this issue, often even getting a bit better with cold - for example 4000C12 dual channel is much easier cold, on any chip. On ambient I can't consistently do that. Yes I always get 109 for 16K. But I have focused on timings so far, still need to optimise O.S. and waza.
  8. Invalid screenshot, you can't cover the rendered image
  9. My humble contribution: I don't think Ryzen 3rd gen will do too well in 32M so I've gone back to 2nd gen for now. Still a lot to test of course.
  10. The king of 3D! Now that Vince is too busy goofing around with Gamersnexus...
  11. Don't enrage Bullant, he will come back at you with cold RAM ;) jk, well done!
  12. For some reason that BIOS doesn't want to do 1T but 1.10 works no problem. I should hopefully be able to do sub 6 mins with this @ 5 GHz
  13. Not a single SP32M stage? System memory restricted to DDR2 on a GPUpi for GPU stage? Dogpile stages? A 3D stage restricted to 7 really expensive cards, but not the 8th compatible card because that's too expensive somehow? 6 repeat stages from last year? DDR1 3DM01 AMD only DDR2 CB11.5 DDR3 3DM11 AMD only DDR4 Geekbench dualcore DDR4 Firestrike APU DDR4 Aquamark AMD only What is this, a deliberate attempt to kill off comps once and for all? You'd think that a 27-stage comp would have something for everyone but this TC has managed to circle the square, against all odds
  14. At a glance there are at least 3 stages which are carbon copies of last year's - wouldn't it be a basic check to avoid duplicates? It's not like we don't have enough hardware platforms and benches to choose from...
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