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Everything posted by sunset1

  1. This is great news just dont sign till after the wife divorces me. Seriously I'd eat ramen noodles to donate.
  2. is there a current photo?
  3. I dare you to run that on actual "H20" vs "insert random subzero fluid here ". Btw H20 is water in case you um forgot. And Great photo. Kind of hard to "picture" beating an invisible rig.
  4. glws best haul i have seen in a while .. but i like eating indoors ;< pm me with anything i can hide under the bed for next year hehe
  5. do you have a screenshot of this ? thanks
  6. you using special Ghost Sauce in that pot ? Smokin...
  7. So just curious . is dice still in apprentice and ln2 in different category? nice one... heres an idea lets remove points on the benches that i need to run the old hardware i bought and lump sub Zero cooling with water .. oh wait .. you did that last year ... never mind. .. just like fantastic 4.. Flame on ;> * edit .. i respect current admin and I'm happy to follow any rules decided by them. peace.
  8. Another one bites the dust :> Good to see you doing what you do best. Every little bit helps ;>
  9. Well thanks mods for jumping on this asap. I hope this guy gets a chance to tell his side but .. seems a strong vote from many known ocer. Seems i took too long to post :> If someone is found guilty of a cheat i hope they get a strong message in the shape of a ban. This will create havoc for all of the mods and its pretty sad. I feel for the guys who have slaved over these benches looking for legit tweaks and worked so very hard to put up a good score.
  10. so the scores and points gained by this method are safe ? thank god he gets to keep the other scores cus wow .. all that hard work changing the clock back and forth.. amazing work.
  11. Oh great i read all of this to lern to be a l33t bencher ..
  12. time to sell some hardware and get the real thing.. wowowow thats God Mode. !!!!
  13. Massman, I must say that i think it's understood that things happen and its unfortunate. Sometimes i feel better after a little whine :> As far as Mr. Trouffman's insult, Its an opinion about the focus of HWbot. When and independent site fills the front page with ads and then articles of such, like it or not one does impact the other. This is my personal opinion and I don't have to agree with the vision. This has nothing to do with the value of your bench. The Front page has at times taken on a new face, filled with for sale items like a used car lot and then articles of said items. I Like the Bench Table like many of my friends do. I think its a cool item. No disrespect meant towards your hard work. I serve the benchers first. I wish all of you well and hope you have a great week. mark chickey aka sunset1
  14. I have made plans also to miss pa so i could visit with my bud mllrkllr88 and the gang .. This is frustrating but .. spending money on other areas is obviously more important. Remove cash prizes from comps.. and make t-shirt sales and bench tables a priority. Happy Happy JOY JOY I like my canadian brothers but show some love for the states bro. As someone once said "So SAD" Special invites going out for OC party at my house Splave yer invited LOL Sorry limit 5-10 peeps. Invite only slackers :> Peace
  15. welcome back bud .. no rest for the wicked. ;>

  16. id like all of them can you send me a quote ? thanks
  17. ill take the res please send paypal info and total
  18. I want to be the first to thank you for your hard work. YOU will be missed. Hopefully back soon. peace
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