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Everything posted by sunset1

  1. How was i to know that someone posted a question in the forum? Was it referenced on the contest page? NO. If you don't post it on the contest page it has no bearing on the contest. Leaving it hidden in the middle of some posts and then claiming it was resolved is a very interesting strategy. This matter is over to me and i will not be subbing the board as i have seen the post. When i saw the post it was accepted that it was not to be part of the contest. " when i saw the post was when it was pointed out to me as it was not on the contest page. " thank you for your time. Lets put this to rest. thanks Sunset1
  2. Well considering its impossible to guess what your main intent was and while i understand your point about people trying to get slick with hardware this is NOT one of those times. For instance the dell 8100 desktop is pretty damn mainstream. NOT server. This board is a desktop not a server. Loophole? Thats not even a valid point given the situation. I took the time to try and make a point to help show a problem to make things better and if that not worth your time. So be it. The main comp page is not updated. And while i was obviously kidding about the refund i do have a valid point. The pages i looked at are still as they were and here are the screenshots. If you were looking at the rules and went thru all the pages posted on the oc site what would you think was allowed? all memory. sipps sims dimms sdram rd ram whatever. It was far from clear because frankly that's insulting to everyone that had to come here and ask basic questions. Its much easier to suggest they were looking for loopholes than to admit it could have been defined up front. But lately it seems that things are made up as they go along. I for one appreciate your work. I try to stand up for you guys but on the same token i expect you to do the same and not feel attacked when i make a valid point or be told "Go ask Massman ". I wont be asking and i wont be subbing the board. You posted the answer after the contest started but i accept it as i always do. Anyway blaming someone is not my idea of a good time. Solving problems is. I was a tech during rdram so to me its common place. ill continue to treat you with respect. I expect the same. Peace. p.s. You have an incredibly hard and thankless job. I could not do it. I lack the skill set. Some of us appreciate what you do and respect your decisions. I may not understand them and question why but in the end your call is good enough for me. There is no need to go further on this matter. Thanks for your time and sorry for the drama. Sunset1
  3. Well to be honest i refused to buy them when they came out. The price diff was extreme and i waited all these years but decided to due to the team cup. The board tho looks to be a sweet find.. to bad it will sleep cpu-less for a while ;>
  4. Thanks for making this clear but it is after the start of the competition and now that i have purchased a motherboard and memory for this specific stage based on the initial post ( i was still researching the cpu ) Who do i send the bill to for the hardware that was only to be used in this competition? Every time you guys make a change it helps one team and hurts another. Similar to the allowing of server chips in 939. People have to buy hardware asap to compete in some of the areas so changing those rules after the competition starts ( or clarifying to eliminate some hardware ) has a economic hardship for many. This also brings up the reason for the change as every change hurts or helps people with that specific hardware. Say hello to my new motherboard and ram. That will likely sit in a drawer for eternity now. Mixed Lot of 9 RDRAM RAMBUS | Samsung & NEC brands | 64MB, 128MB, 256MB | T 5613 | eBay ABIT TH7-RAID Socket 423 Pentium 4 Mainboard PCI AGP new motherboard pc parts | eBay I sat on this message and rewrote it or it would have been posted yesterday.
  5. slinky why no photo ? us hardware guys live for the photos
  6. Damn i know this wild man. Can i has a autograph? Nice job MrB ;>
  7. nice one ;>
  8. I can definitely see both sides and I have to say Leeghoofd has much thicker skin than me .. and has a thankless job. I think he has done a great job at trying to be transparent. No one wants their score questioned or taken down as it feels like you are being cheated. The mods job is never easy and yes i'm sure they could use some help. No one that i know wants Bullant to leave as he is a valuable asset here and I hope he comes back. As a former irc mod i know how important it also is to ask questions to resolve any possible problems and help resolve future problems.. but one thing we don't want to do is create a situation where people threaten to quit ( I don't mean bullant ) to get the mods to back off because that is not going to help an already frustrating situation. I hope bullant comes back. And if there is a problem with the way his score was dealt with .. things happen. lets move forward.
  9. Luumi Who will want to help you after that comment. i'm done.
  10. sorry for that type of post guys kinda struck a nerve. happy friday zeropluszero. yes i had my geritol and im better now.
  11. frankly you can kiss my ass on that comment. I came from there .. and before a place much worse. Im on a ocn skype chan with about 30 very friendly hard working members enjoy being team OCN. So if you want to trash something remember the audience.
  12. I am afraid to sell on ebay due to this. I have bought items and i always try to be fair. But ebay almost always sides with buyer. As a group of people that use ebay a LOT i think it may be worth doing a poll ? of how many people here have had the same thing happen. Who knows it might help your case. Id be happy to sign or post a statement. mark aka sunset1
  13. not too far away memory is a igp bench that simply wouldn't work on most of the boards catzilla. That memory will not fade for a while.
  14. sorry for the missing post i was in hospital with bad ankle and on heavy meds ;> i forgot hahah .. Good luck with the sale on that sexy hardware but most important the new memories will keep you every bit as busy as the old overclocking days.. sleep what sleep ;> My son is now 22 wow the time flies .
  15. honesty isn't a laughing matter to some of us. But this place is a friggin joke.
  16. most important stuff first.. congrats on the new family member. Nothing will every match having a child. peace.
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