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Everything posted by sunset1

  1. I think we could argue for days on the gpu part due to the massive change in the pricing on gpus. The point i was making was not which card they picked prior to the start of the competition but once it was picked, to stick with it. The 980 was included and the conclusion by websmile was that it was allowed due to low cost of the card. This was on the first day of the competition. People make buying decisions and plans before the comp but when the competition starts the hardware should not change. Period. This is for the benefit of all benchers. Whatever card is picked stick with it. If your point is to save money what about the people that have or have just bought a 980 or 970 and now are being asked to buy a lesser card after the start of the competition. Saving money works both ways. The current most poplular gpus on Hwbot are: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti Intel Mobile HD Graphics 5300 If there is a price advantage for a stronger card which is the better option? In all honesty i have a 780ti it does not matter to me I have 980 and 980ti I ask for those that at this point in the competition should not be asked to buy a different card. In all fairness I understand your point but that should have been brought up before the start of the competition. I'm done here good luck to all.
  2. Guys I'm not one to be disrespectful but you don't change rules after a contest has started. The rule was clarified once on the first day of the contest. Seems like miscommunication or ..
  3. great now on the div 3 it says 980 not allowed. WTF
  4. that all copper pot is beautiful. im broke, good luck.
  5. me too :> Good luck Strong
  6. omg thats epic .. glws someone that buys more than i do and its all top shelf :>
  7. Nice job Splave. 8 pack not so nice. But i hope everyone has a great holiday.
  8. damn and i thought facebook was a waste of time and full of drama left that years ago .. in before someone #ragequits. Merry xmas. or happy holidays. im out.
  9. man thats slick.
  10. i have tried to fix this a few times i did NOT run a mobile gpu
  11. older post but thank you just the same.. im slow ;> and that gap between the glue is there for a reason. I hate to guess but think its related to the old hole in the top of the die. hot air expansion? either way thanks!!!!!
  12. you were supposed to be looking at the dfi board ;> but seriously the foams a bit stiff from a kayak place. 35.00 they have 1 and 2 inch pieces for someone in the states here is the link.. in case anyone is interested. austinkayak.com - Product Search - closed cell foam turns out that foam isnt as durable as the neoprene so ill glue some 1/4 on the top of it. i get my neoprene at this place and they have a Canada site and a usa site. top right hand corner Buy Neoprene Foam Sheets | FoamFactory Inc. *now back to our regularly scheduled program*
  13. well i have a new and improved v.1.1 Korean BBQ version .. its lightweight easy to carry raises up the board has plenty of wow factor and *doubles as a pillow* *handles 2 board setups at once!* Sorry 8pak ..
  14. Thanks for backing up one of the newest and coolest members of our team. I stand behind him proudly. Before people attempt to smear a very gifted bencher in a public way someone could have asked him. The real question is who is in charge of the witchunt ? And Why? Btw strong nice win on Cheapaz Chips.
  15. i had contacted DFI and the person i talked to said they dont have them but that they get requests all the time. Sad if this is true but I will go thru my old drives ( im unorganized.. ) as i found a old mobo site that had pentium bios's and other such bio's .. Now that i have a place to put them ill pass on to op when i find the site again. ( redid my workshop/garage ) Sunset1
  16. Wow really nice setup. good luck with sale.
  17. im in for one please pm paypal. thanks
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