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Everything posted by Random

  1. I have been checking for months and its been OOS can't even find it on the website anymore. I think it got remeoved, its in EU website anyone got some schematics for one of these things? I can make one easier than I can track one down...
  2. When you are looking for shelving just for mobos
  3. i have a 16gb version of that, dual sided. 350$ but its dual sided so I wasn't gonna offer, It does the asrock tight MFR preset though for 2x8gb MFR kits I have alot of g.skill PSC also but no 2300 c8 or 2400 c9 kits or c6 2000 anymore
  4. Still around?
  5. Random

    Part out....

    Pm sent
  6. for kicks n gigs whats shipping to 85308?
  7. I was gonna be like awww YEAH, but then.... http://der8auer.com/product-category/gpucontainer/raptor4/
  8. No chance at ur price point
  9. Random

    [FS] 4790K

    Check 5ghz cache, cpuv 1.45 cpu cache 1.45 vccin1.55 and sa .350 Just a suggestion.
  10. It really doesnt say anything in the rules about having cpu and etc open ina "wrapper" that thing screws me up. anyways screencap software on its own is iffy enough. I had an amazing pi score and screenca0 program crashed pc. So i dont trust wrappers or anything anymore. Just use paint. I mean i understand why to use it. But when the rules never get updated so u have to figure out on your own you are supposed to do a screencap through the program imo there should be multiple ways to verify a sub. I mean you should be able to use a real camera to take pics of screen incase after u finish a bench you get a system freeze. I mean you still succesfully ran the bench mark. i think that the rules really need to be taken into consideration. Some reqs. Are downright contradictory. As someone who just figured out how to sub. It was pretty difficult to figure out 50% of these. And am still sure i am missing some things for a legit sub. I mean i just recently started using cpuz's mobo tab because FYI its not said as being necessary in the rules. Also what about all the people using es chips and getting points? Ya know even when theres that little box at the bottom of every sub page ever that you have to tick, acknowledging you AREN'T using "cherrypicked, es, handpicked, or other hardware not available to the public" Just saying none of the WRs are made with 100%retail hardware. All the superpis have es chips or Es hynix If the mods want to get picky, lets get picky. Otherwise they should actually make it usable. Or clear. You always talk about new users. How do you expect them to use such a complicated system. The hardware entry isnt particularly intuitive. Also on hwprime for sub you are supposed to type in.what you are on for phones if ur on a pc, what then, just leave it blank? It doesnt say anything anywhere. Also some of the screencap examples in the rules arent even relevant like the necesary stuff in the rules arent in the screen caps. Assuming it even works, last i tried i couldnt get an example for maxxmem Just i think theres some more important stuff to do, other than give alex@ro a hard time
  11. If u are gonna spend $ for cascade 2-3000$ why not just ln2? Thats the conclusion i have come to. I mean temps vs price. And fyi just incase you didnt know single stage is pretty loud. Cascade is going to sound like a outside ac unit. I am assuming you want this for haswell-e right? What i have decided personally, is just get a single stage to hit subzero 3d benches and then ln2 to turn up
  12. I am having trouble finding the instructions for vmodding the asus dc2 gtx680 graphics cards, the 2gb ones. Specifically modding them for non-asus non-vga-hotwire-compatible motherboards Nvm found it. Might need a bios
  13. how much heat-watts do these 8core chips put out? I am trying to get specs for upcoming phase build and need to figure out how much its going to cost
  14. Damn, if only i were in the UK
  15. Lol if ur lucky, 2 weeks before broadwell arrives , just soon enough for u to need to pay full price
  16. Bump
  17. Didyou test any higher frequencies?
  18. What io?
  19. Hows imc on the 4770k?
  20. How do the 5960x and 5930k fair on ln2?
  21. Bump
  22. More sticks added. Will upload pics once i can get on pc testing available upon request otherwise it will slowly trickle in
  23. I need either a pair of sticks that do 2750 at tight 2600 presets on z97 ocf) 2750 8-12-8-28 1t 88 (that will run with my current sticks do 1.94-1.93 2750 with either presets, g.skill c6 2000 pi, pcb revision is KO-8117, or I need a quad kit. 6 10 6 2800+ with ln2 I also am looking for el cheapo gpu and harddrive for 2d benching. Maybe some oldschool gpu worth freezing, i havent really messed with gpus so i need something to learn with
  24. Random

    Good PSC memory

    any model preferences? cheaoest sticks thatll do that or the best rated? i should have a few sticks
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