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Everything posted by rtsurfer

  1. The consistency with which you produce these great results makes me very envious. Well done.
  2. In as always. Any weekend is fine.
  3. Consistently producing awesome scores. Very impressive.
  4. Life is unfair. Go on you lucky bugger.
  5. Thanks Gents!!! Lol. You really did it. Here you go @Noxinite . Rig pic. ?
  6. You were legitimately helpful man. Nice meeting you and hope to see you doing some ln2 OC soon.
  7. Z370 Apex? Already insulated.. ?
  8. Couple of questions for you guys in regards to X370 Hero (Posting here since this seems to be the most active thread in the sub forum) 1) Where did you guys get the 7304 bios. Latest on Asus site is 7201. 2) Does this board still work well when taking Zen2 cold or more advisable to buy the X470-X570 ones. Trying to save a few bucks here by buying the older board.
  9. This is the best news/decision.
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