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Everything posted by KaRtA

  1. I got through most of my issues with the right voltages set, waiting for the reboots and not changing memory once going. Most of the time, can reboot at -170 ish, if it's lower than that I can't reboot until -140. vDDG over 1.18v is your first issue. Some chips just have a really shit CB that you cant get around, and other than that using the correct bios is the biggest thing to check (0050 and 0015 are best). Its a tough platform, you will waste a lot of LN2 and time until you experience the bugs, but once you now, it's quite easy past that point. But, memory must be trained correct or you will have to warm to -38 each time. Anytime you change memory when it needs a retrain, I found this had to happen. If you haven't set the memory and FCLK right before going cold, you will have a myriad of problems. I wrote in a review here, may or may not help, needs a little still from my last session but will get the gist: https://forums.overclockers.com.au/threads/rog-crosshair-viii-impact-x570-review-and-guide.1272265/
  2. It’s a x7 max multi for this stage man
  3. Its for Hardware boints brother, not outright. I got celeron's I can try that on.
  4. Man, we got smoke here too right now. No need to move when I live in paradise. And, thanks Alby
  5. Injecting didn’t work for me. I have full working USB with my image on all X570 boards now.
  6. Hey. You need a board you can run a external USB adaptor on, then install the modded USB drivers on that. you cannot install W7 direct on an Impact with USB in the install files. I ran through 2 boards to get working.
  7. How about people just buy retail products, and just run the freakin things like they are designed to. No modding, no stuffing around. Plug the damn thing in, press the run benchmark button and stop complicating shit that shouldn’t be complicated. Jeeeeeebus
  8. Don’t call him that alby, you’ll give the young man a bigger head than he already has. Killer work Jordan, knew those tweaks would do it :)
  9. Same one, just working a few more things out. I only bought one other that was great on ambient, horrendous on cold, so kept the original. No money to bin when LN2 costs so much and these use it up super quick. Gazza in da-house! Good to see you around mate.
  10. Had to be in the right zone. Between 1.6 and 1.65v on this bios. Older bios I could push 1.8v with cold NB no issues, but the new one with cold is troublesome with higher voltages.
  11. Forum has issues @ozzie, it's on the front page if you look there
  12. So because of Yosarianilives or however it’s spelt completely relevant but unnecessary for people to even concoct, server hardware still allowed?
  13. Yeah, I should have done the same. Every other screen I took was without all the tabs open, so they are probably less valid. Be easy enough to do again. It's was almost a waste of a session except for this. I was hoping to do some superpi, as the board and chip clock really easily together. The fail happened when for 32m, there is just no stability from the memory. Pretty much loop 4-6 every time, regardless of strap, dimm count, IC Type, voltages or timings Not sure what I can do about that.
  14. Can you disallow Titan Z while we ban Fiji/Polaris Duos?
  15. I thought country cup was about having all the highest scores? Have I been doing this wrong all these years?
  16. You don't get what anyone is saying or said. Just ask the simple question, "mobile chips allowed or only desktop" and leave it at that. All you do is look like a know all that causes more friction than solves the question. I have a simple question @Leeghoofd, is 775 and 771 going to be treated as the same socket like 1151v1/2? or can 771 be run on 775 board like last year? Love your work mate, going to be an interesting one.
  17. You do truely struggle to not complain about everything hey Pretty sure it’s been clear why, just suck it up an move on. my body is ready Alby, lets break some shit
  18. They won’t re-enable. You will have to submit again
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