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Everything posted by ozzie

  1. i would suggest b4 any more comps go ahead that bot gets the site sorted out "properly" this time, long long overdue, or do we need another revision implemented? like the last 4 or so that we had to have that did bugger all except create more confusion on top of the already confusion , and it isnt bots mods fault, they do a great job with what they get given, if it were me id be paying someone like matt thats doing benchmate to go thru it and fix it "once and for all", coz otherwise i can see the same sort of stuff of the past happening again
  2. you have PM
  3. heygotohell, that name you use has an inference to it, you should use it !!!!
  4. i know its a bit of a push but , never know, might be lucky lol
  5. nice , the master returns eh, must be not too much more snow over there where you go trekking in for days on end and nearly end up with frostbite then ?
  6. hey stranger, long time no see ants , hope your well in this time of virus issues, heres a link for you, choose urself , apologise to infared and the guys , not trying to hijack your great thread https://testmatick.com/10-most-popular-password-cracking-programs-in-2019/
  7. beefy looking board , will be very interesting to see how she goes
  8. all good now thx guys, thx to all for your time and fix ?
  9. i havent had the problem here , goes straight to the bot page no probs but my own page on bot its blank as the complaint says
  10. as usual michael, great work and team have done it again, ddr4 this time ??
  11. i reckon the runs were on video too, for sure , and i know its a lifecam icon coz i have a lifecam and its the same icon, there was a lifecam icon in the task bar that i saw and was posted in the screenshot, 2nd from the right in the task bar is the lifecam icon
  12. what ever is decided doesnt really matter what benches , theyre always good well put together benches for comps, great competiton from countries from all over the world, good blokes in it, and the mods always do a great job with it, the teams cup is the best comp bot has ever run IMO, year after year , i missed the last one hopefully not this one, ddr4 boards i think it should be a board that most of the ddr4 boys have got or can get quite easily for the comp, of course theres a difference between the LN2 board and non LN2 boards in ddr4 which i think is something to be considered in whatever stages chosen for the ddr4 section there is a question id like to ask also , now that bot has been taken over has the system/data base been fixed or addressed for results, ??? year after year weve had this issues of the data base not being able to keep up and compute scores for teams correctly, regardless of what comp, will it be the same this year and is the the OC-ESPORTS link fixed to follow it, that has been a problem in past years ,personally i find it easier and much more easier to follow than the home page on bot to follow and navigate to for the comp/s cheers
  13. nachtflake is in germany i think too, another great builder of phase and cascade , his work and units are excellent from what ive seen , wished someone down here built them
  14. that sabertooth really likes these fx's rods , nice work mate
  15. ah ok luumi thanks mate, cheers for that ?
  16. @ luumi, but do they fit all boards ??, 462 up, this is the dilemma
  17. tagg has the DQ6 got the crazy cool heatsinks still on the back of the board ??
  18. good luck all ,great guy dave , runs fantastic comps, most excellent modder too ?
  19. i have asked for this quite a few times over the years but its always fallen on deaf ears, but thankyou roman for doing what youre doing and especially in this severely health and economically pressed hard time the world is facing and going through ??
  20. terra i looked mate but found the same as you did , sorry but tried , ?
  21. if they wanna cheat theyll be caught out just like any other comp ....simple, then they cop the consequences from it !!!!!
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