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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. I'm not sure what is wrong with it - you are just 18 points (-0.6%) behind though I have 10% advantage in bus/memory and my timings are also tighter. This was also a very good run (with results spreading from 2749 to 2784, with most falling into 2770-2778 range). Seems like CB2003 doesn't really care about bandwidth/latency - I was checking top CB2003 scores for LGA775 yesterday, almost no difference in efficiency between DDR/DDR2/DDR3. Another test that doesn't really fit low clock challenge.
  2. Enabled all services and reinstalled pcmark7. It installs vc++ 2010 redistributables, both x86/x64 btw
  3. Thanks for tip, may try qx9770 and win8.1 then to improve. My guess is something from pcmark 05 tweaks collection. Just try to google 'em here at forums. Normally, when you tweak internet explorer installed in system you affect pcmark browsing score (like changing fonts, custom css -forbidden though, caching etc). Just don't want to go that deep into old pcmark drama - most tweaks were previously discussed, discussions were hot. Just looking at global first place, 146 pages is too much even for threadrippers without tweaking.
  4. Board did 270mhz 32m 2-2-2-7 recently with bios from digitalbath.
  5. Hi. Probably win 8.1 is not allowed (latest systeminfo wasn't used here too). On a side note, what is that web browsing tweak? I get just 5.xx pages with 2ghz e8400, 30 times less than you.
  6. Any update? Run into same issue, VC++ update - no help.
  7. Yep, too complicated. But we get feedback only from Leeghoofd and he has no power to fix buggy code.
  8. I google necessary hardware i.e. "Duron 950 hwbot" and then get necessary link, a couple of f5 and there it is.
  9. How consistent is 3dmark99 for you? Seems like I have a bigger variance in score than expected, probably too hot these days in my place.
  10. Nice, then the card should have more juice in it, go-go!
  11. What delta you use? Tried different bios versions or timings adjustment?
  12. Make sure to use latest 1.94 cpuz. A week ago validations with 1.92.2 were fine and since Saturday it requires newer cpuz version.
  13. Some ideas can still be sourced from P5Q3 Deluxe boardview. Though quite different (chipset, layout and missing rog chips), they utilise same concept.
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