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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Nope, just win 7 home premium I tweaked. I am having problems installing xp by usb and xp reinstallation cd. Oc formula says analyzing hardware then goes to setup but just stays there. I broke my last xp os install. I also have .gho file from Perica and am unable to install on new ssd. Wasted six hours yesterday trying with rufus, yumi, etc
  2. I am missing one on gpu as well, they are surface mount ceramic capacitors and not all DMM's measure capacitance. Pretty sure they are made by TDK but even ones similar in size can vary. easy to replace with a good heatgun with a pencil tip or iron w a tiny chisel tip http://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/TDK/C1005X5R1C105K050BC/?qs=NRhsANhppD%2FYkaksZVkJOA%3D%3D&gclid=Cj0KEQjw75yxBRD78uqEnuG-5vcBEiQAQbaxSLEMW_XZuSUlpdNbmz7x8s4o9ZVGKQw4KDdrEIR_QekaAoe48P8HAQ
  3. is that a wurth impact holding up an asus impact?
  4. That's currently what I'm doing, blue shop towels, then armaflex sitting on a nice thick sheet of foamboard. Makes it easy to move around or pick up as well as minimizing flex from the weight of the EK Inflection and Triple point pots and/or the gpu
  5. Looking for Dimastech/Little Devil table used or suggestions on where to purchase new in the US. I hear Dimastech is a gamble, and if true would prefer to avoid supporting a company like that. Something like the Easy V3 is the right size/style Also looking for a Phase Change unit new or used as well, If I can't find a nice used one the only place I know of is "Under the Ice" which is reputable and does quality work. Only thing is I would probably be restricted to SS since with shipping his units are close to $1000.00 and I would prefer not spending too much since I can buy a lot of lin for that kind of dough. I also would love the option to do lazy testing/binning and having the option to cool cpu + mems or cpu + gpu would be fantastic after a long day at work Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated if you have experience with either of these as I know finding a nice used Phase is about as rare as finding that Lion that is supposed to be chillin' in the hood of my city.....Milwaukee WI
  6. Attached is pic of error I'm receiving, maybe because it's my first ln2 submission
  7. You're a beast Luumi, 6633 mhz...so insane. Maybe it's time to delid my L318 4770k
  8. MM...? is that short for MaxxMem
  9. Damn Luumi, nice run. I heard you had 75L to burn the other day so I've been keeping an eye on your subs. Did not expect to see something this great though, good job boss!
  10. Just a new cpu I am testing, the L318 batch good for cold. So far I can do 6.4g at 1.65v 2.425 VCCIN. Things seem to get a bit shaky though above 6.15g with mems at cl6 or 2800mhz PSC X of course. Yeah I only have like 20 points in 2 months since I have been practicing cpu and mems cold and researching/buying Z170 hardware. I move to enthusiast league the 22nd though and will be jumping to extreme instead right away
  11. Pretty sure this cpu can do this before it even has its first cup of morning coffee. XTU can be a tough bench to complete and this i7 slay's it without trying. For me the one and only concern is what is the CB temp. as it has already proven itself to be a solid 10 in all the other categories.
  12. The mems came from a quad kit according to part number, what happened to the other 2? Are you keeping them, i assume these were from an RMA of an older kit is that right. Any tests done cold, if not no big deal. It seems strange that they do 2666c8 tRDWR, dr, dd at 13-13-11 1.78v, but need 1.9 for 2720 11-11-9. I have several pi kits, as well as a collection of of other high bin psc x (8155/8117/ST etc.) and none of them do 2666 under 1.83ish +v, but a few kits will do 2720 under 1.9v (1.88/1.89/1.9) with the two lowest being 8155pcb and 8117 for the other. Your kit could be interesting on cold though with the low voltage at 2666, and may only need the 1.9 because of tRCD, and cold should solve that problem
  13. You think the Ripjaw V and Trident Z 3466c16 is D die, to me that seems like it's harder to bin than 3600c17, i dont have them yet but do have the 4x4gb 3733 Tridents, weird design though gotta take a look at how they seperate to check. My cpu is still in transit, I bought from Zwitt so they are coming from France. Maybe I should just buy these and stop effin' around http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231956
  14. I actually got my trident x 2400 retail kit from fleabay for $55, only retails ive tested so far that can do 2933c9 fairly tight at 2.24vDimm
  15. Oh yeah, also keep an eye on Essencore, Klevv aka SK Hynix . Klevv Cras is gonna have afr love, after all they do make em. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&u=http://klevv.kr/940&prev=search it looks like they have 8 and 16 ic dimms in the works http://www.skhynix.com/products/consumer/consumer.jsp?info.ramCategory=consumer&info.ramKind=31&info.eol=NOT&posMap=consumerDDR4
  16. Yep, there will be Geil white dragon 10 layer pcb sticks in the somewhat near future, by looking at upcoming specs i would think several qualify, unlike the current kits that have flat main timings. For now i just grabbed a set of 3466c16 and 3733c17 E's and not have to worry about a foreign platform while freezing mems
  17. I have some adata gaming series sticks with psc , ic's that will do 2400c7 or 2600c8 tighter than nick shih tight presets (tWCL 6 not 7), but not considered tight by me or memory addicts in general but out of abut 20 kits of psc x these are the only ones valued that low, next in line performance wise are Crucial Ballistics 2133 9-10-9 and G.Skill Pi 1600 6-8-6-20 @ 1.6v or 1600 7-8-7-24 @ 1.5v but they all do 2666c8 standard tight and the CB 2133 & 1600c6 are new old stock. Valued at 50 plus alone no ship. I paid a fair amount more for them fairly recently
  18. I would move this to the Marketplace Wanted section, also check r/hardwareswap for going rates on 980's and waterblocks. I sell all of my non-benchworthy hardware here in a day or so when priced right as there 's a lot of action in this sub-reddit! https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/
  19. Yez zir, I know that from ocn thread, you guys gave me the tpu link to voltmod, but I am confused about the vr used for vGpu as I stated in previous post. It must depend on what volt range you are trying to acheive, so is 1.4v+ good for lin, if so any recommendations for cold h2o. The 500 ohm vr would probably be the way to go? Any links available to read up on how to do the math to figure out starting point based on initial resistance reading via dmm
  20. I know this is old but looking to do first hardmod on evga 8800gts 512 and according to the techpowerup thread it calls for a 500 Ω variable resistor for vGpu and 20 kΩ variable resistor for vMem, madshrimps also recommended the 20 kΩ variable resistor for mem but a 1kOhm adjustable resistor for gpu like you used. I am assuming the vmem mod depends on ic whether to raise or lower voltage and gpu voltage range id like to try on ln2 is 1.4v and possibly up to 1.5 vGpu. I did buy two of these just in case, but the mod looks fairly easy compared to some of the projects i do daily for work and a great way (cheap) to jump into hardmodding links for reference: http://www.madshrimps.be/articles/article/1000072/NVIDIA-Geforce-8800-Series-Overclocking-Guide/6#axzz3oDyoO3dr http://www.techpowerup.com/articles/overclocking/vidcard/149/2
  21. I am interested, lets work out a price shipped to US through PM
  22. Are both kits Samsung s/n? like my 3733 Trident Z kit
  23. Oh come on, I haven't even received my cpu yet, I really don't need two MB's....do I, but I do already have 2 kits of 4 x 4gb G.Skills and am searching for a 6600K. Someone tell me the board is not as good as it's little brother for Ram timings/RTL's
  24. Should be available in the US in around 2 - 4 weeks according to Anandtech http://www.anandtech.com/show/9712/asus-announces-the-rog-maximus-viii-impact-z170-motherboard
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