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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Nice, I've been looking at that exact one that starts with 2x4gb ram, 256 nvme ssd, RX 5500 x, etc https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/ConfigureView?langId=-1&storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&catEntryId=3074457345619965322&urlLangId=&quantity=1 mostly because I wanted to test the Ryzen 3 apu also like you
  2. Great job ! Is this you ? https://youtu.be/F-DMaAzJwsE
  3. Thanks my friend ! I do spend a lot of time researching and learning about anything and everything related to OC and benching. Learning something new is what brought me here and the community was very open to teaching me the tricks of the trade So since day one I have always believed in passing it forward, whether that be simply knowledge or helping a struggling newcomer to the team I always try to make an effort just like some of the OC Icons did for me
  4. Can't forget the sweet 2dimm itx board. Here is a bunch of goodies to get ya'll excited for chance at winning an OC Touch panel for your SOC or https://www.gigabyte.com/us/Motherboard/GA-Z270N-Gaming-5-rev-10#kf Included Mod pack from Z170/270 SOC, for Gaming 5 and other bios just use "Coffee Time" or "All in One ModTool" by Revlaay 524701698_GigabyteZ270TOOLS.rar Mod_Pack.zip Z270 LN2 guide.pdf 2063405502_JooMagXOC.zip
  5. I know man, I tried tirelessly to help him with pictures and whatnot but I think I might have even set him back a step. We need to get him with an active Japanese speaking Super Pi OG
  6. Tis guy right here, he is the guy haha! You Killin' it Bro !!!
  7. After recently picking up a 280gb 900P aic I started looking for one of these as well. Was around $1.50 / gb for mine and the cheapest I've found gen 4 400 is almost $3 per ( $1200 but not in stock up to almost $4knots = no way 4 me ) Great Job tho OVIZ HWLab !
  8. Performance PC's has them here in the US for $35 https://www.performance-pcs.com/water-cooling/water-block-accessories/delidding-tools-accessories/der8auer-delid-die-mate-2-fsd8-019.html They do Int'l shipping but I'm sure they'd ask for exact address for a quote. Too bad you're not local, I'd order one for you right away If you can't find in Eu, I'll pay for the part if you pay shipping Titan Rig and Amazon have em too for $50
  9. Yes this this this this, when can we buy. Pretty sure it's going to end up at $599 like the APEX but who knows, heard they wanted much lower price but kinda got carried away with the best hardware ? I stopped the insanity of the APE XII after a lot of "fun" with RKL. Well when it decided to try and fry my only working nice OC Panel the other day. Only board right now in the US worth buying, especially after going to best buy to get any Z590 board and coming home with some sort of edging gaymer by MSI
  10. Bios flashback ? If so all boards are very fussy about flash drive. One's that almost never work are Sandisk Cruzer Glide Good ones are usually Adata, PNY, Verbatum, Onn(Walmart) cheap USB 2.0 8gb or 16gb best and format of FAT32 Also doubt this matters here as it's about APEX XI and XII but sometimes errors are made in manual
  11. It seems to look ok to me in MMTool here's the report maybe it will help you ROG-MAXIMUS-XIII-APEX-ASUS-0070.rpt
  12. I hear you man, not a huge deal for me but trying to get as much info out as possible so a solution might be found from the gathered knowledge or like you said Asus looks into it. The only problem I have is the board was in process of becoming an LN2 bencher and kinda sucks not being able to switch between bios 1 and 2
  13. I just tried this with 10700k and 10900k and still no difference than with 11600k. I probably have to flash back to an older bios first or something as it's certainly just a bug BIOS 1 is 2103 and I've tried flashing bios 2 with 2103, 0098 and 0088 I believe. In bios the 11600k shows 3C and the 10700k shows E2 I think. What's wierd is I only used bios flashback up until a couple days ago on this board so somehow the code did update doing it this way. Sometimes after bios flashback I saw "updating Aura firmware", "updating me" and the long blank black screen too
  14. My board won't turn on at all with bios 2 selected (Start button does nothing nor jumping) pretty sure it started when flashing 0098. Funny thing is I can use USB Flashback and it goes through the flash process so no idea what's up. Must be some sort of bug because I can see it when using FlashROM/Rasp Pi
  15. Awesome ! When you get that 6900 valid tho that will be the end of mem freq for you since everyone knows that on the internet everything stops at 69 (nice) haha
  16. Decent kit's, but I was lucky enough to get one back in September
  17. Welcome back , the OC world missed you !
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