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Additional Maximus IX Apex LN2 guide




This post has the guide from elmor included as well es some „new“ things, since the board should be widely available now.

You can find all the tools and bioses here:




Just follow this thread, to prepare your CPU properly:



Now my method to let kabylake fly in different benchmarks.

Let’s start with cooling down. Once your setup is mounted and LN2 mode is enabled, you want to go into bios. To make it as easy as it could be, Asus implemented some really helpful profiles, which worked on almost all retails I’ve tested so far! Same for the memory profiles. Everyone know, the first batch of bdie wasn’t really trcd11 capable. That’s why you find some 12-12-12 profiles as well.

Now – when you are in the bios, load vlad’s Ln2 profile.



Now go into the mem settings to 2x8gb new Samsung and load one of the given profiles:

Depending on the Bios u use, you’ll find some profiles in there.

From tight to very tight. Set whatever your memory likes to run and leave this register. Now change the RTLs and IOLs to auto, just to see if your memory is capable of booting the freq and timings you just set. After the first boot, you might want to change them to hard set values.



While you set all these things, pour your system down to -110 to -120 degrees C (-180 Fahrenheit).

Then press f10 and enter to reboot. Once the system switched off – directly switch the reserved switch - BEFORE THE SYSTEM REBOOTS AGAIN!



Now you can directly go fullpot. Depending on where your GPU is (x16 slot or pch) you might want to change the DMI voltage. With the profile it’s set to 1,85V, but when you use the PCH, you can go down to 1,45V.


Now I’ll repeat some of elmor’s hints (appendices in brakets):

PLL Termination Voltage is needed for high cache frequency and on some chips also high core frequency. First try booting with ~1.5V. If you need higher to enter the OS, you can use Eventual PLL Termination Voltage. Kaby Lake will typically lock up if applying more than 1.85V. (Usually, booting the named profiles, will give you the best values!)


Set Internal PLL voltage to 1.095V if you have problems with lockups when applying ratios. If you get random freezes at high clocks you can try to lower it to 0.9V. (For me, AUTO works the best for many scenarios except XTU. In XTU I have to set a fixed, mostly low value – no idea why :D )


Start with PLL Bandwidth Level 2 which should give no CB (cold bug) on most chips. If not then increase step by step until you can go down to the lowest temperature. (Personally I saw no problem with running lvl5. I also didn’t notice any temp increase with that. But as elmor said, try to keep it as low as you can.)


Boot procedure:

Once you found a working mem profile, you might notice a very long boot sequence.

Approximate durations

4f=3 seconds

B4=5 seconds


With BIOS 0026 you'll recon 78. Just wait 15 seconds - this is instead of B4!

A2= up to 60 seconds

Just test with num lock if the pc still reacts.

Furthermore, you also might notice a long win7 boot…it usually comes…so be patient.


Bench procedure:

I always start with R15. It usually gives you a good look at all other benches.

R15=XTU – 100MHz



R15 closes with an error message is usually too few vcore. Freezing might be temp, cause to high voltages.

For high cache I always try the highest adjustable PLL termination. Once you found this, test the max cache. Afterwards, go lower with PLL termination to see if the high cache is still working. PLL termination causes a lot of heat!

When you found a very good air chip, but it sucks on R15 at LN2, then don’t ever throw it away…it might be just one core that sucks! My 7111MHz 32m chip only does 6720 R15. But without HT it shows his real potential! What brings us to the next test – AM3.

AM3 might be the hardest legacy bench besides 3d06, cause it uses ht.

AM3=3d05 + 20-30MHz

AM3=3d03 + 5-10MHz


Start AM3 with 4cores activated and realtime adjusted. Find the max clocks. Then start switching the core – always use 2 cores and find the best two. These two cores might run 3d03 and 05 with similar or even higher clocks.


Now XP and 32m

After AM3 you know the best 2 cores, now u might want to find the best of these two. Just play with safe cache and mem. Wazza no need so far. Just test 4 loops….once u found the best core, raise cache and mem again.

Not exact in round within the first 3 loops might mean you need more VDRAM or a better VTTDRAM on APEX. Not convergent was 90% of the times, too much VDRAM. Freeze is either cache or core – mostly cache for me.

32M=3d01 – 20-60MHz


Voltages that worked for most of my chips the best

R15: 1,8V +-0,02V

XTU: 1,87V +-0,02V

AM3: 1,89V

32m: 1,91V +0,03V


PLL termination for most of the tests at 1,82V (remember – it causes heat!!! Reason for BSOD 101!)




Additional links:

Very good starting guide from Strong Island!


Very good Video from Der8auer:

Edited by Dancop

Tks for sharing ;)


"R15=XTU – 100MHz


It's understandable but it's not really true :D


If XTU is 6600 then :

R15 = 6600 - 100 = 6500 :)


I think XTU = R15 - 100 is better for understanding and for math :o



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