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Not sure if anyone else noticed it, but there's a big difference between the different mainboard/bios combinations for 3DMark01 performance. So far I've only had luck with the Gigabyte UD4 to get good 01 runs. Any other board has performance ~ 3k to even 8k lower. Here's the data:


HD 4890: CPU MHz vs CH:


- 5288 - 535 - P67A-UD4 (F6x)

- 5545 - 505 - P8P67 Deluxe (1053)

- 5300 - 549.6 - Maximus IV extreme (0681)

- 5400 - 482 - P67A-GD65 (1.8B6)

- 5412 - 511.4 - Maximus IV Extreme (0681)

- 5200 - 465.3 - P8P67 Pro

- 4890 - 513 - P67A-UD4 (F4)

- 5300 - 480 - P67A-GD55 (1.8B5)

- 5366 - 525.8 - P67A-UD4 (F7b)


As far as my own testing goes I only had good runs with the UD4 (as mentioned before). M4E and GD65 gave me ~ 490FPS at 5.4GHz (should be 550!). Only hole in the gigabyte theory is U22's run with the M4E + 0681 bios. At 5300 he's at 550, my runs were at 515FPS.


You will see the same with other cards, by the way. Check the top results of the GTX 580, for instance:


- 409FPS @ 5500MHz (GBT UD7)

- 395FPS @ 5620MHz (ASUS board)


Only problematic run (maybe not right lod?): 395FPS @ 5500MHz with UD4, but still ... same performance level as the asus boards but with lower MHz.


I've tried to come up with a solution when running the M4E, but nothing helped. Tried changing mem dividers, different OS, different timings, different pci-e lanes etc ... no way to reach the high performance. When switching from the 0065 to the 0681 bios on the M4E, I went from 490FPS CH to 515FPS ... nothing changed frequency wise.


What are your thoughts?


Massman I saw big difference between 3DMark 2001 SE scores, but i thought results depend from tweeks(LOD, Drivers, etc). Good notice, thanks. If I will be able I check your theory with MSI and ASUS board


Quite interesting.

Pieter, how many times did you rerun the test at every board-bios settings?

High Car Chase is VERY random even when talking about the same drv+LOD, hardware etc.

Will try to check somewhen when I get SB -)


Yes, it is random, but not so much, massman is right, I've notice same thing.

variations I have is +/- 10FPS max, not 50. And LOD does not help in CH.

Recently i help my teammate kaidtor to tweek windows and he has nice results.



I was very surprized, how sensitive 3dm01 to mem timings and speed with SB.

For example, changing mem speed from 800 to 933 give +30FPS in Nature :o

I have UD4 and now testing MSI GD65 and and just can't reach same perf in 3d01, no matter what.

All settings, hardware and opsys are same.


  cyclone said:
Quite interesting.

Pieter, how many times did you rerun the test at every board-bios settings?

High Car Chase is VERY random even when talking about the same drv+LOD, hardware etc.

Will try to check somewhen when I get SB -)

  cyclone said:
Quite interesting.

Pieter, how many times did you rerun the test at every board-bios settings?

High Car Chase is VERY random even when talking about the same drv+LOD, hardware etc.

Will try to check somewhen when I get SB -)


I re-ran a lot. Lot. Lot. :P.


CH is quite consistent here; as Jaan says ~ 10FPS variation mostly. Sometimes, you can get a good run that is like 20FPS higher, but definitly not 50 like in this case.


CH gives the most clear indication of lower performance, but it can be seen in all subtests. Nature is here ~ 20-40FPS lower (<1%) and DH is also slacking +/_ the same. Overall, the difference is like 4-6k points.


i was able to do the same with UD5 what you did with UD4 with that 120K


i will try UD7 also when i get a chance and some more GTX295 runs with a retail chip when they finally come into stock :(

  dinos22 said:
i was able to do the same with UD5 what you did with UD4 with that 120K


i will try UD7 also when i get a chance and some more GTX295 runs with a retail chip when they finally come into stock :(




Pt1t just confirmed the same thing: GBT rocks for 01; all the others are slacking hard. IIRC, he had 109-111k with ASUS M4E (HD5870) and 116K with UD7 :D


Have you also tried vista/win7 for 01 or only XP?

i noticed that ASUS with vista can normally show the "details" after a run and not the annoying "...very large details.txt..." in XP

but i haven't performed any comparisons yet, since my 2x5770 don't want to "cooperate" in XP no matter what drivers i used!

i think ASUS still needs a lot of work...


From ryba's and mine testing it looks like MSI < ASUS < Gigabyte in '01, and the same in pi 32m, but with less difference between Gigabyte and Asus. I tried the UD7 for a brief moment, but could not bare its retarded, laggy BIOS...


Also, looks like Intel is slower than Asus but faster than MSI, and it doesn't have an EFI bios.


I saw the same think when testing HD 4890 on Maximus IV Extreme. At the same frequencies with Pieter I was lacking 6K points...changed 3 different OS, RAM, BIOS, slots, timings. Nothing helped! Beside poor CH I saw also very poor LL performance (~80-100 fps less than GB board).


What's the explanation?


Maybe Asus can come out with new BIOS for better '01 performance? This is bad news for me because I just got a P8P67 Pro for testing.... 2D should still be good I see at least....

Maybe I'll have to grab a UD4 too. :D

  stummerwinter said:
Interesting to read, was wondering about low scores on M4E...


Also valid on NV-cards?


Yeah. Its less apparent, but it's also there. Check the second set of results in the opening post.

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