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HWBOT R5 Bugs/Features 2.0 - Report bugs or request new HWBOT features here


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This only recently started happening, noticed it on at least 4 cpu categories.


Noticed the same while browsing through some 3000+ submissions.

My sub is not displayed in the rankings. In fact none of my 3000+ submissions are there.






Also the search engine does not find anything when I search for SuperPi 1M/I.nfraR.ed/3000+ Venice s.939 for benchmark/user/cpu model respectively.

Points in the category are not skewed/recalculated though. I still get the points, just the entry is missing in the table and slower results are shifted 1 place up.


Athlon64 6000+ 1M is missing in the general K8 rankings too (and a lot of other entries from different users) when switching from 3000+ rankings to K8.

It works when viewed from 6000+ rankings.








Edited by I.nfraR.ed
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Is it possible to disable huge list of competitions appearance after submitting result? It's annoying. I've read them already more than 10 times, I think it's enough :)


The problem with that was not that huge list in general but for some reason competition suggestion no longer matches the used hardware of the submitted result.


i.e. A HWBot Prime result gets proposal to submit in:

OC4DOGE - 3DMark Fire Strike Tahiti & GK104

OC4DOGE - Intel SuperPi 32M @ <4.38 GHz


Therefore especial people doing submissions with a mobile cant link them to TeamCup.


btw could you move this result: http://hwbot.org/submission/2620844_

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The mobile submissions are not a problem related to the competition matcher. This is related to the HWBOT Prime APK which doesn't link a teamId to the submission. Because there is no teamId, the competition matcher will not show the Team Cup.


We need an update of the HWBOT Prime application to make this automatically. But for now, linking manually is the only option.

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The mobile submissions are not a problem related to the competition matcher. This is related to the HWBOT Prime APK which doesn't link a teamId to the submission. Because there is no teamId, the competition matcher will not show the Team Cup.


Ok, but still there is a bug with OC4Dodge. Since this competition appeared, competition matcher always wants to match your sub to OC4Dodge, regardless of the used benchmark.


You didnt need to alter hwbot prime and add every sub by hand if users could do this on their own if they only would get the right competition proposed, which should be actually no problem as this worked before without any problem.

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Probably not a good idea to wait till the last second to submit subs in these stages then, eh?

Might want to let the sandbaggers know up front so there isn't a problem later. ;)


We can link the scores to the competition if they were submitted before the end of the competition timeline. This clearly is an issue from our side and the users are not to blame.


Ok, but still there is a bug with OC4Dodge. Since this competition appeared, competition matcher always wants to match your sub to OC4Dodge, regardless of the used benchmark.


You didnt need to alter hwbot prime and add every sub by hand if users could do this on their own if they only would get the right competition proposed, which should be actually no problem as this worked before without any problem.




A while back we loosened up the competition propositions because users wouldn't get notified if there was a competition matching their hardware specs but didn't match the benchmark application. So the pop-up should appear more often now.


Were you previously getting the message that you could submit the HWBOT Prime score to the Team Cup? But it changed now that the OC4DOGE competition is showing up? In that case it might be related to the hardware database.

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A while back we loosened up the competition propositions because users wouldn't get notified if there was a competition matching their hardware specs but didn't match the benchmark application. So the pop-up should appear more often now.


Were you previously getting the message that you could submit the HWBOT Prime score to the Team Cup? But it changed now that the OC4DOGE competition is showing up? In that case it might be related to the hardware database.


I remember that things worked with country cup. Shouldnt that competition which match my hardware most appear first? (instead of not at all) Attached a screenshot...

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How's it going with the search function? I've not been able to search since beforce summer.


Seems to be working here. What are you searching for exactly? Let me know and I'll try to replicate it on my end :)


I remember that things worked with country cup. Shouldnt that competition which match my hardware most appear first? (instead of not at all) Attached a screenshot...


Yes, you are correct. That's how it should be.


Checking with Devs why it's not happening right now. Thanks for the feedback man, much appreciated!

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Seems to be working here. What are you searching for exactly? Let me know and I'll try to replicate it on my end :)




Yes, you are correct. That's how it should be.


Checking with Devs why it's not happening right now. Thanks for the feedback man, much appreciated!


Yes, now it actually works. I can't remember what I've searched for exactly, but it has been things regarding Team Cup during the summer, and nothing that I've searched for worked. Ah well, it's always like this when you contact support, right ;)

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Hey guys, I was browsing the hardware info pages today, and realised that the CPU page is really poorly laid out compared to GPUs.


So take a look at the 4770K page:



Now compare it to any old GPU:



GPUs have their benchmarks arranged quasi-alphabetical, grouped with the other benchmarks from the same family. CPUs are all over the place. Cinebench R15 has points, yet it's 4th from the bottom??


What I'd like to propose is to have CPUs cleaned up like GPUs, in to grouped alphabetical order as part 1.

Part 2, which I'd prefer, but requires debate, would be to have alphabetical listing of benchmarks with points on top, of alphabetical listing of the nonpoints/old/beta benchs below it. If the software allows it, maybe have this as a toggle at the top, so I can hide non points benchmarks?


I can throw together some mock ups, but I was wondering what others thought?

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Hey guys, I was browsing the hardware info pages today, and realised that the CPU page is really poorly laid out compared to GPUs.


GPUs have their benchmarks arranged quasi-alphabetical, grouped with the other benchmarks from the same family. CPUs are all over the place. Cinebench R15 has points, yet it's 4th from the bottom??



Totally agree with you here FBNSS, that Cinebench annoys the hell out of my OCD. Something needs to be done there.

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Part 2, which I'd prefer, but requires debate, would be to have alphabetical listing of benchmarks with points on top, of alphabetical listing of the nonpoints/old/beta benchs below it. If the software allows it, maybe have this as a toggle at the top, so I can hide non points benchmarks?


I can throw together some mock ups, but I was wondering what others thought?


This is a very good sugestion.

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