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The official MSI MOA 2013


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@ XA - could be just your board too.. seen some interesting variations in characteristics just using 1x Mpower over another..


*I bring vcore over ~1.87v in the OS though.. and not in BIOS, as cold booting high-vcore has been where I have seen catastrophic failure with them. vDroop starts getting increasingly worse as you tip 1.9v.


I was setting 1.8v in bios and the dmm would show about 1.85v with only 2 cores. Then I switched to 4c/8t and all of a sudden was booting in 1.95v+ and would get near 2v under load. That was at the same 1.8v set in bios. Even memory voltage spiked up reaching over 2v, where previously it was around 1.88v and set to 1.85v in bios.

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Hi big and pro oc guys.


I'm totally new on this, but this is an amazing (and expensive) hobby.


I read all the previous pages and Xtreme_addictt should receive and big present from MSI for all those "problems", now, talking about the MOA Classifications I think that maybe you guys can help me on this.


I can boot at 5.5GHz with 1.6V 2C/4T and SP32M stable with 3770K and -120°C. My problem is that I can't get a similar performance that you guys have over here, I'm running Dominator GT 2133MHz 9-11-10-27-1T. My best time for now is 6,04 at 5.7GHz.


I'm running an MPower Z77 that's totally new for me since my previous z77 was Asus. I'm not sure about PLL voltage and I can't see a lot of options that v gene have. I tried from OS 5.8GHz and was not successful.


As you can see, I'm totally nOOb and I know that get one ticket is out of my possibilities but at least I want to do something decent since I bought this board exclusively for MOA, after this I have to re-sell it (if is alive at that time) and maybe GPU and CPU too. Can you guys help me out with some advice?


Thanks and keep pushing it...;)

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@ Mikecdm - Thats one crazy overvolt for sure! The Mpower I have, only has ~+.15v on CPU and vDIMM, running 100% droop options, with 2x Switching Freq.. which is very tolerable.


*You using the Aux power connection on the board by chance?

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Guest Bullant

Sorry to hear this Sniper,the Ln2 depo should also give you free ln2 now for a year!His insurance cover all this hey?

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