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eVc ordering


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Hardware is ready and I was just setting up the web shop. Someone already placed an order somehow, so I suppose it's time to go live. Software still needs improvements, added functionality and additional device support. It can be considered being in a very beta state at the moment. The SPI Flash part for reading/writing BIOS chips is the part that's furthest developed and is working very well.


Let me know if you have any issues with ordering or questions about the product.


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40 minutes ago, I.nfraR.ed said:

Ordered the full bundle the moment Allen posted it on fb :D
Shipping is from Taiwan, right? Hopefully won't be stopped at the customs, hate to go there with all the bureaucracy and time lost...

It's shipped directly from the factory in Shenzhen. I hope there won't be any issues, if there still is I'll do my best to try to help you solve it.

Edited by elmor
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All orders have been shipped either yesterday or today, except for 3 using DHL which did not specify a phone number. DHL requires it, I've contacted those affected and their orders will ship as soon as it's provided. I wasn't aware of this so entering a phone number wasn't required at the time.

Also sorting out the tracking numbers and will forward them asap.

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18 minutes ago, marco.is.not.80 said:

I keep trying to order but no matter how I check out and no matter which browser I use after the card is processed I am returned to the checkout page where it says I need to properly complete the captcha - which of course - I've already done. Anyone else have this problem?

Many other orders have been processed ok so probably an issue on your side, or a temporary error.  Possibly try from a different client/network. If it can't be solved, you can choose the bank transfer option and do a custom Paypal transfer. That would be a last resort as it's more troublesome for me to process it manually.

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45 minutes ago, marco.is.not.80 said:

I keep trying to order but no matter how I check out and no matter which browser I use after the card is processed I am returned to the checkout page where it says I need to properly complete the captcha - which of course - I've already done. Anyone else have this problem?

I heard someone during Steponz' 002 stream mention that there order went through using EDGE,  only after trying all normal web browers

Edited by GtiJason
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2 hours ago, elmor said:

Hmm not sure why that is. Anyone else had issues? One option could also be to create an account before placing the order, any captcha requirement should be removed after logging in.

Ah, ok, I'll try that now.

EDIT: Ok, I tried again after creating an account and now when I order it says bill phone number required. I added that in my address list for my account but it still insists during checkout that my phone number needs to included. That was with Paypal. So I tried Amex and put my "contact phone #" in but got the same error. I can share some screenshots if it will help.

UPDATE: Weird. Not sure what I did differently but I got the order received page.  ?

Edited by marco.is.not.80
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3 hours ago, elmor said:

Hmm not sure why that is. Anyone else had issues? One option could also be to create an account before placing the order, any captcha requirement should be removed after logging in.

I had the same issue where if I pay via PayPal it doesn't give me the option to give a billing phone number and blocks me from submitting the order.

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Does anyone have a screenshot of this? The billing phone number should be ordered before entering the Paypal portal. Is it because of a mismatch in order billing information and paypal billing information?


edit: Seems to be related to directly checking out with Paypal from the "Cart" page, this option is removed now.

Edited by elmor
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Just in case I wasn't clear I did finally get an order in but as you've discovered it was related to Paypal. Once I created an account and UNCHECKED the box - forgot what it was called - but the one which suggests your postal address is different from your billing address - Paypal worked again for me.

Stated in steps:

1. Create an account on Elmor's site and fill in EVERYTHING under billing address.

2. uncheck box for different address and leave everything blank.

3. profit!


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I need to get in contact with "Neal O'Brien" regarding his order, missing a phone number for DHL shipping. Hopefully he reads here :)


1 hour ago, marco.is.not.80 said:

Just in case I wasn't clear I did finally get an order in but as you've discovered it was related to Paypal. Once I created an account and UNCHECKED the box - forgot what it was called - but the one which suggests your postal address is different from your billing address - Paypal worked again for me.

Stated in steps:

1. Create an account on Elmor's site and fill in EVERYTHING under billing address.

2. uncheck box for different address and leave everything blank.

3. profit!


Good it got sorted, after removing the button from the "Cart" page I hope no one else will have this issue. Your order was shipped out today.

Edited by elmor
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59 minutes ago, 5erveD said:

Anyone else having his order with registered airmail not showing up in the tracking ?

No issues here. Order placed 7-1-19 selecting the registered airmail shipping. Order shipped 7-6-19, cleared US customs 7-11-19, scheduled delivery 7-15-19 :)

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2 hours ago, bigblock990 said:

No issues here. Order placed 7-1-19 selecting the registered airmail shipping. Order shipped 7-6-19, cleared US customs 7-11-19, scheduled delivery 7-15-19 :)


My order is placed on 04-07-19. Date shipped is 08-07-19 and got the conformation in the mail on 10-07-19. But it still isn't showing up in the tracking provided.
Which tracker are you using ? The one send to you by the email ?

Mine is saying: Info unavailable, we can't identify your number yet.

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