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Everything posted by marco.is.not.80

  1. All true. Which simply says that without even trying most people see a big gain from what is advertised. The only thing I'd say to what you wrote above is that 5.0 on all cores doesn't include leaving the AVX speed the same and probably means it set at -3 or lower - agreed? I mean, if we can't even agree on where to start it becomes a pointless conversation. I'm not here to convince but to converse.
  2. If that was actually true then Intel would advertise the 9900k with a base clock of 4.8. It doesn't. Furthermore, a turbo multiplier as used by the majority of the world outside of overclocking is a temporary boost in speed and not uniform across all cores. In fact, out the box 4.8 is only guaranteed by Intel on 4 of the cores with the other cores either clocking down or up. So what are you talking about?
  3. I keep hearing people say there is very little overclocking headroom in modern CPUs. I honestly can't figure out where this mentality is coming from. I'm running a 9900K at 5.1 ghz all cores on my daily driver. That's a whopping 41% increase from stock. Most people are doing at least 5 ghz on 9900k - still close to 40%. How is that considered "very little headroom?" I think people are using the turbo multiplier as their gauge for measuring... I don't believe this is an accurate way to do it.
  4. I have definitely experienced the 1.6 standby voltage thingy... I wasn't sure what triggered it but since then I've been manually setting all my voltages even if I wasn't actually going to increase them.
  5. For me it's really simple. If it can go faster and perform better - even by just a little bit - I feel compelled to exploit it. As Ozzie said earlier in the thread - (I think it was Ozzie) - overclocking can't die unless overclockers all die. I can tell my 6 year old already has the same gene that got handed to me. Even if everyone else in the world decided they thought overclocking was dumb and never did it again - I still would - which means it is isn't dead. In all honesty though, this whole conversation feels like a philosophy class between those who subscribe to existentialism and those who believe in the ontological argument. Sounds so deep but as soon as the bell rings no one cares. Funny thing just happened - I looked over at my daily driver using a 9900k running with a 51 multiplier (with AVX) and had that warm feeling you get when you know your system is working and playing better than anyone/everyone in a 100 block radius. That good feeling of knowing that you had a "KS" way before there was a KS and knowing that you paid a commodity price for it compared to all the people that flocked over to Silicon Lottery and dropped a crap load of money to get something of equal performance. Overclocking is living! Or so it seems to me.
  6. I've sent the money to your paypal preferred address. Let me know once you've confirmed. Thanks, man!
  7. Please Delete. I allowed myself to get trolled.
  8. Alex, I would like to buy these but have two questions. 1) when you say they were tested using regular water cooling do you mean the CPU was under water or that you had the DIMMs themselves using a memory water cooling block? 2) Will you ship to USA with extra cost covered by me?
  9. ya, that is one of the nicest looking GPU water blocks I've ever seen.
  10. nice man! It always feels good moving to that next level - keep it up!
  11. Best. News. Ever.
  12. JPM, just in case you didn't notice or in case someone hasn't mentioned it yet you've got the wrong background image for this submission. Just a heads up in case you weren't already aware.
  13. Thanks for saying that, Scotty. It's all true. If I have been part of creating that in any way I apologize right here and right now.
  14. That... That's - I...don't know... what to say it's just... WOW!!!!!!! Incredible!
  15. You guys are talking like everyone in the room knows what you are talking about but for a relative noob like me (joined at the end of 2015) would it be inappropriate to ask what it all means? Or point me to a place where I could read some background? What it sounds like is that hwbot is owned by someone who doesn't play a role other than make sure the bills are paid? Is that person the original founder? The other day - can't remember where - someone was talking about Overclocking TV just like you guys are doing now - no names were being used but I felt like while I was reading it I was supposed to know what they were talking about. Basically, when I hear this stuff I get all pissed off because I respect you all and if you're pissed off then I get all pissed off but then I'm standing there all pissed off and I don't know why.
  16. I think Leeg is a fucking hero and if I was genie and could blink whatever reality into existence I wanted I'd have a billion dollars donated to HWbot, put a new office at the top of the biggest and tallest building I could find with a giant flashing sign on the roof that spelled out "the bot" with lasers going everywhere and shit complete with a 1000 square foot office just for Matt to develop Benchmate (because he quit his current job and works full time for the members of hwbot who donate an obscene amount of money for his project) with a video production studio and a 24 hour live feed of - I don't know - fucking Buildzoid with each of his fingers replaced with soldering irons in a room of donated equipment that he is allowed to keep - and this shit is just what I'm coming up with from the top of my head so imagine if I actually put some time into it - but then you know what I'd do? I'd have a grand opening of the new hwbot world HQ and make Leeg not only the president, CEO and Chairman of the board - but also pronounce him King - yes King of the Bot - because his voluntary service to all of us - including even those who trash him (think about that for a moment) is without equal and therefore he gets the kind of reception like those hobbits at the end of the Lord of the Rings when Aragon turns to them and says "you bow to no one" and then he and a the rest of the people all bowed before them... ... ok I admit it's a little weird but I'm trying to convey just how much I appreciate Albrecht so if you don't get that from what I'm posting go check your pulse. We love you LeegHoof and from this moment on you will no longer have a little "d" after your name but a giant fucking capital "D". What does that mean? I don't know but it sounds cool and you have my gratitude and appreciation with as much energy as I can convey using letters and numbers. Thank you!
  17. Money sent. ?
  18. I sent him a PM but I suspect he is sleeping ?
  19. Dual Core Big Block!??! I'm in! PM'd. ?
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