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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Just so you know, 775 was considered HEDT at one time. 1366 is 10+ years old now. X58 has consumer, and workstation boards available. Only 5520 chipset was considered server / HEDT (SR-2).
  2. That's how it was always supposed to be. In usual HWB fashion, it was never implemented or enforced properly. By running in more divisions than one, but only getting points for one, you effectively block others from points in other divisions.
  3. Same reason you answered. Because I can. Everybody always says 'I'm coming for you'. Few that say it ever get there. I honestly hope you are one of the few. Get after it. Be that guy.
  4. Bad break. You are now an apprentice. Or at least one of the 'elite' enthusiasts. At least you were honest.
  5. Looking is not the same as pointing out the possibility, which is more what I think was going on here.
  6. Compete in one division only, or more than one?
  7. Career has no cap, except the end of said career. I can't put it any simpler than that. I personally don't care if you artificially cap comp points, but don't call it 'career' then, cause it ain't. My career extends past your cap, so does most everybody's.
  8. There is no justification in stripping past points in career. You're still talking seasonal.
  9. You are talking seasonal now. It's not the same as career. Plus, your Manchester team is not being stripped of points they have already earned in previous seasons.
  10. It's CAREER. Career has no time limit. Eventually the old timers will be done and the noobs will have the same time put in to catch up. You seek instant gratification and that shouldn't happen in Career. You can't erase the past to let noobs 'catch up'. Name any other sport/hobby that that happens in.
  11. Career should be unlimited. That is the whole point of career. You need to put in the time. Noobs included. Nobody gave the long timers a free ride.
  12. Position by leagues will be irrelevant if leagues are to be juggled next month as planned. Probably should hold on critique until ALL of the updates are applied.
  13. My chiller goes colder than cheap SS's. I will move to Enthusiast and people will bitch. Again, leagues by temp is a proven problem. Nip it in the bud with 3 leagues then.
  14. Enthusiast league should be abolished. Define weak or strong chiller, and you still cannot verify temps proof positive. Leagues divided by temp will always be cheated on.
  15. Not just your opinion. Rev 3 was ideal. Every revision after that went steadily down hill.
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