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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. x265 is the ultimate benchmark. What's a gold or WR worth to you? You're in total control of your own destiny.
  2. It's ok. We don't have to agree, and I don't hold it against you.
  3. No, because he is no longer actively benching for his team. That doesn't take away from a legendary score at all. It's just his team will not be able to profit from it forever due to not benching any more. Can't help your team if you don't bench.
  4. IMO, inactivity is no submissions. I'm only speaking from a team standpoint, meaning no TPP from an inactive team member. Example: there are teams of over a thousand members that still rank very high in team standings even though there are less than a dozen "active" members still subbing. They maintain their team rank based on just the sheer amount of deadwood members. Remove the TPP from the deadwood and use only the active members and you have a much clearer outlook on how the team league stacks up. In theory this should reduce the load on your server also because you won't have to calc any deadwood until they sub and are no longer deadwood. It should also impact your 'stagnation' factor in the teams league.
  5. Forgot all about that. LOL It was Team Mayhem.
  6. Bumping this. Reasoning: Less load on server due to less to calc, and a more realistic outlook on standings. I propose a 1 year limit on whether you're deemed active or not. IE: no subs for a year or more, you are inactive for your team.
  7. Prisoners don't get to run the prison. It leads to unruled chaos. Thank god for moderation.
  8. Call it what you like. If you are sponsored, you are elite. Doesn't matter if you do or don't have money.
  9. Want to simplify code and decrease server load, and at the same time decrease load on your poor already short staff? 2 Leagues Pro/Sponsored Everybody else Stop with the silly leagues by cooling method in which temperature can't be proven anyway. Want to move up the ranks? Move up your game. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
  10. Switching gears a little. Since everybody seems to want a better current outlook of standings, will a time limit finally be placed on inactives?, specifically regarding team points.
  11. As for HW points, I thought this site was primarily a HW database. HW points should be the mainstay of any formula that you come up with. Everything else is just fluff.
  12. It is static because very few put the time in. Can't have a team or person thats active for more than 10 years tossed to the side by little Jonny and his gaming rig that throws a half a dozen subs in and disappears forever. You don't need to reward new members like that. Noobs have to put their time in to see themselves rise the ladder. That's how it works in every aspect of life...........unless you're a millennial. They have the competitions for instant gratification if thats what they desire.
  13. Revision reads like full on pay to play. Pros and deep pockets need only apply. Grinders are dead. Teams mean nothing. Only thing left worth anything is Hardware Masters, and even that will have diminished value.
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