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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Lemme know if you change your mind. I know you from OCA as well.
  2. Sell the 2600+ XP-M seperately? If yes, message me.
  3. Why is everybody showing max GPU temp? Should be showing min GPU temp. I see chilled setups in rig pics and max GPU temps in the 20-30c range. That suggests below 0 min GPU temp to start with. Should have stuck to your guns and left it air only.
  4. Crack didn't happen in shipping, IMO, based on pics.
  5. Known bug. Never been fixed.
  6. Items received. Thanks again Sam.
  7. Already done. 4x is no problem @ 320/288. Doesn't make much difference in score though. CPU is a big bottleneck.
  8. That's the way it's been since inception though. You're just bringing this up now?
  9. You want the one with the 3.19 BPL.
  10. I'm booting at 110 FSB, so PCI is roughly 38MHz. PCI limit is roughly 44 MHz. Problem is board gets cranky around 117 FSB. Need to get into the 1/4 divider but I don't think the CPU is up to it on air only.
  11. 4K is much more demanding that 1080P. You will need to decrease your OC or risk killing your hardware. GL
  12. Personally, I'm a fan of the stock cooling limitation.
  13. PM on X975.
  14. I don't usually sandbag anyway so....game on.
  15. That's all you can do. Thanks for the info.
  16. Don't change now after I just bought one.
  17. Chrome has the forum listed as a phishing site. Thought you'd like to know. This started 2 days ago.
  18. Griff, do you think we can eliminate the video unless there is a discrepancy? I mean, your hardware limitations by themselves will limit your competition to only a handful of overclockers to start with, and we all know who each other is already. Do you really expect any foul play enough to warrant a vid right upfront?
  19. Items received. Thanks again Sam.
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