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Everything posted by Mr.Scott

  1. Render is blocked. Cannot block ANY of render in any CineBench. Better to try to beat me benching rather than waste everybodys time reporting good subs.
  2. Join us Havli. You know you are more than welcome.
  3. 840T is Zosma. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K10/AMD-Phenom II X4 840T - HD840TWFK4DGR.html Phenom II processors with Zosma core can be identified by: Part number: OEM part starts with "HD" and ends with "4DGR". An example: HD840TWFK4DGR. CPU ID: All Zosma-based processor have CPUID 100FA0. As a note, CPUs with Thuban core have the same CPUID. We can do pics of CPU's for verification if you like.
  4. Screenshot is fine. Mods approved. You've already reported it 3 times. Don't do it again.
  5. For the cartridge processors, pic of the case or the actual processor?
  6. Yes. Crashed upon start of bench. Couldn't get 3.2 anything to go right.
  7. Gonna try 3.1.1 and see if I can get that to go. EDIT- 3.1.1 was straight forward and everything works. Thanks for trying to help me Yo-Yo.
  8. Nope. Crashes when you try to save the file. The bench crashes upon start if you set anything but off.
  9. OK, now that I'm using the correct 3.2 version, how the hell do you save the result file? Everything I've tried just closes the program and never saves the file.
  10. Yes. Tried it both ways, same error. EDIT- hang on........I might have done something stupid here.
  11. Cannot sub in GPUPI 100M. Error says I need to use ver. 3.3. Is that true? I thought we were only allowed 3.1 and 3.2.
  12. What sticks were those? And what bios are you on?
  13. Greg, I can hardly blame you. I told Michael the same when he quit. Huge loss. Thanks for trying. Again, everybody loses because of a few pukes here. I hope you fucking clowns are satisfied. If I posted everything I really wanted to say, I would be banned for life.
  14. Has more to do with the multiplier used than the core.
  15. What makes you say the rules are different for all? I don't see that at all. If you see something out of line, help the mods out and report it. They can't be everywhere all the time..........unless you'd rather turn a blind eye and bitch later.
  16. How dare you call me not a team player or a real overclocker. What you fail to realize is that, this site is not a democracy. It's not yours. You are a user and are to abide by the rules laid down by the owner of the site. Period. If you don't like it, don't play. That is basically your only choice. FWIW, 1/4 of the listed subs are from my own team, so it's not like I don't have a dog in this race. W9 stands behind the mods decisions. Like it or not, they are the law.
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