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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. I could tell you who the winner is going to be too, but I don't want to put other people off competing with me
  2. As above I've seen a couple in the past but passed on them as I was under the impression they'd be slower than a TUSL2-C because nobody had used them. Hindsight I probably should have just got one to try.
  3. Classic April Fools from George when he doesn't post it on the Monday
  4. 5.5Ghz for what, CPU-Z Validation? CInebench stable?
  5. I'd assume that running the board without any capacitor is better than with that long wire due to noise?
  6. I forgot to post a link, but this is what I was refering to. https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?applicationId=21&scoreOperator=more_or_equal&score=&username=&regionCode=&countryId=&teamId=&glPointsOperator=more_or_equal&glPoints=&hwPointsOperator=more_or_equal&hwPoints=&compPointsOperator=more_or_equal&compPoints=&globalTeamPowerPointsOperator=more_or_equal&globalTeamPowerPoints=&hardwareTeamPowerPointsOperator=more_or_equal&hardwareTeamPowerPoints=&totalPointsOperator=more_or_equal&totalPoints=&league=&globalRankOperator=less_or_equal&globalRank=&hardwareRankOperator=less_or_equal&hardwareRank=&cpu=&cpuId=&cpuSubFamily=&cpuSubFamilyId=&cpuFamily=&cpuFamilyId=&cpuBatch=&cpuBatchId=&cpuFreqOperator=less_or_equal&cpuFreq=&numberOfProcessors=&cpuSocketId=&cpuCoolingId=&gpu=&gpuId=&gpuFamily=&gpuFamilyId=&gpuBatch=&gpuBatchId=&gpuCoreFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuCoreFreq=&gpuShaderFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuShaderFreq=&gpuMemFreqOperator=more_or_equal&gpuMemFreq=&numberOfVideocards=&gpuSocketId=&gpuCoolingId=&mbModel=&mbModelId=&mbChipset=&mbChipsetId=&mbManufacturer=&mbManufacturerId=&mbChipsetBatch=&mbChipsetBatchId=&mbCoolingId=&memType=&memTypeId=&memProduct=Ballistix+Sport&memProductId=165&memManufacturer=&memManufacturerId=&memBatch=&memBatchId=&memFreqOperator=more_or_equal&memFreq=&memTCasOperator=more_or_equal&memTCas=&memCoolingId=&psuWattOperator=more_or_equal&psuWatt=&psuProduct=&psuProductId=&psuManufacturer=&psuManufacturerId=&diskCapacityOperator=more_or_equal&diskCapacity=&diskProduct=&diskProductId=&diskManufacturer=&diskManufacturerId=&dateAfter=&dateBefore=&_bestHardware=on&orderBy=score&limit=20&_imageAttached=on&_videoAttached=on&offset=0 Created using this page : https://hwbot.org/search/submissions
  7. Ok so first off this isn't a bug, it's ranked by memory type/technology i.e. DDR3/4 etc and not the individual ram stick manufacturer, otherwise this would be chaos with GPUs where only MSI Lighnings or Kingpin Classys would face off against each other. Secondly you can use the submission search function to narrow down your results to get a leaderboard with any specific ram stick or GPU or whatever you like, I'll add a link to show you the Crucial Ballistix Sport etc. Finally the database is updated by the moderators at the individual requests of users for non standard hardware, so if you have anything you'd like to add then make a support request at the bottom of the forum. Hope this helps.
  8. you have click on the achievment and try and manually recalculate it to see if that works?
  9. Have you tried recalculating the submission?
  10. Use the following links to see which CPU and GPU benchmarks give points. The ones you listed do not give any points. https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/processor https://hwbot.org/benchmarks/videocard
  11. yes but if you're doing CPU-Z validations that's no good to anyone
  12. I wasn't able to find a fix myself, might be worth asking the CPU-Z developers themselves to try and find a fix for the issue.
  13. May I propose you open your f**king eyes and take a look at the rules you f**king muppet
  14. There are only up to 6 cores on xeon, but we need to make sure we state 1 socket only so that dual socket 1366 boards are not allowed, that would be a competition breaker.
  15. everyone has the team to do it, just need the willing, 32M is a benchmark that takes a lot of learning of tweaks, ram timings etc. Take a look at this starter guide https://www.overclock.net/forum/282-overclock-net-hwbot-team/1249432-super-pi-32m-tweaking-guide.html
  16. I think as a general rule of thumb, xeons should be allowed in most legacy comps due to their low price which keeps more in the spirit of what the comps are about. That and the fact there is no real advantage to be had by getting a xeon over a regular mainstream part.
  17. Good point, I'll do a test on the 3DMarks over the next couple of days with different CPU and GPU speeds etc and post the graphs for others to see
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