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HWBOT Rev.4 - The Plan.


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Massman, will it be possible to make a search not only by certain CPU/GPU model but by family or core name? Like - all E6xxx Pentiums or E4xxx Core2 and so on.


It would be very handy.



And person/team points update history - so you can take a look not only how much places but also how much points and from what submission did a team gain for a day/week/month. And who leaved/joined the team - meaning all team point factors should be included in the list. And not only your own team but any, like the team rankings show the place updates now.


I hope implementing these two small thing won't delay the rev. for a year :D

Edited by Antinomy
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Product pages for processor and videocard families (like Core i7) are planned, but bot sure if it'll make 4.0 release. Maybe 4.1.


User/team info extentions are for 4.1 or later too. It needs coding + debugging, which takes time. Time we don't have growing on trees :)

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Product pages for processor and videocard families (like Core i7) are planned, but bot sure if it'll make 4.0 release. Maybe 4.1.


User/team info extentions are for 4.1 or later too. It needs coding + debugging, which takes time. Time we don't have growing on trees :)

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  • Crew
it will be a huge shock when rev4 gets launched, i hear M.Beier is the new No1 overclocker closely followed by T_M :o


That's the mix popularity and beer consumption ranking Dino, not hardware related... get your facts straight before spreading rumours ;)

Edited by Leeghoofd
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The crew is pretty happy with the rev4 development server, maybe we should post a public beta after the weekend.


Please do. There are lots of questions about what was actually implemented. Waiting wouldn't be so hard if we knew what to expect :).



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i love this


but please make i possible to ad some private notes to this list


First implementation (in R4.0) will be basic listing. We've moved all the neat stuff to R4.1 as we realised this new feature would be a lot more work than initially planned out.


The idea is to have a custom page for every hardware you have tested or used to submit results with. This page will show your pictures, the OC results and of course has room for personal notes.

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What bothers me is when you upload some score's, you alway's need to fill in cpu, motherboard and ram.

Is it possible to put this in a drop down box so you can choose your favourite cpu/board/mem when uploading a score ?

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