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yeah I agree G that it should either be out in the public or not at all, i just dont think its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants


Nobody said its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants. But what I/others have said is that its sort of their responsibility to check with MSI about how to get the software in the right hands to keep the playing field fair.

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I should be really sad about the 'state of the community' after reading all these posts here, but actually ... I'm quite happy.


I wish I could help, But Im on my 2nd strike for sharing what Im not supposed to. IDK how it was linked to me but thanks alot for whoever blew me in for helping them out lol never again.


... and the reason why I'm happy is because some folks actually put their nuts on the line and help out fellow overclockers with this kind of software. In fact, I know of at least 7 special afterburner versions that were used by someone other than the actual owner. Of course, I'm not going to tell who's helping out (not here, not to MSI), but that sharing spirit is pretty cool.


In light of a 'fair' competition, I think not having the AB xtreme is one of the smaller issues that is affecting the level of fairness. It's not like it's impossible to compete without it ... it just requires some extra work.


As for "afterburner extreme must be open for all" - I understand the community's point of view, but most certainly also MSI's point of view.

Nobody said its Massman/hwbot responsibility to provide it to contestants. But what I/others have said is that its sort of their responsibility to check with MSI about how to get the software in the right hands to keep the playing field fair.


I think by now they are blocking mails from my email address containing the words "afterburner", "release to all" and "community needs it". It's not because I don't post in public "hey guys, asked msi again" that I'm not doing it.

It's not because I don't post in public "hey guys, asked msi again" that I'm not doing it.


Thats all I, as a general hwbot user wanted to hear, that the admins have atleast tried, :D

lets just get clear that i DONT have afterburner unlocked to start with, seriously for everyone complaining you need to take a look at what your saying


this is an overclocking competition, meant for the best overclockers in the world to compete against one another, its not meant to be easy, if you cant hardmod your vga and even your board if its required, you need not apply, your services arnt required here,


i dont think its msi or hwbots responsibility to provide afterburner unlocked, any version of afterburner can do high clocks, so all you need is vgpu/vpll/vmem right? ok mod it and your problem is solved


sure it would be great if msi decided to release afterburner for everyone, but they havnt, so lets just get on with it?


MSI organizes a competition, in which I must mod their cards because that fucking software is secret.

Then, if I break the card, no warranty is recognized.

WTF? You have money to throw out of the window? Please, do it, but don't mess when somebody cares about trying not to destroy everything because of that stupid decision by MSI.

You wanna mod everything? Do it, nobody is trying to stop you.

You wanna see top competitions to include even soldering abilities? Ok, let's do MOA 2013 with a medium range vga, so that you're not vaporyzing half wage if something goes wrong.


@uncle fester: ooooh yess, let's not complain if something could be improved etc... let's not complain if politicians are shit involved with mafia and so on... let's not complain, because if we do, ooohhh poor us, there will be no MOA.

Well, I have the habit to try to improve things, not to stay in a corner and accept everything is thrown at me.


Ok, no need to go further, you're in firewall mode and you simply can't hear our reasons.

Oh, don't usi msi control center to oc your cpu, insted do a pin mod on your 3770K (and if it's not possible, let's do some reverse engineering, to prove we are worth that comp), and a fullmod on the mobo, it surely defines you as a pro ocker that can compete in this event. control center is too easy, when you can vmod everything.

Oh, another thing: tell a guy who practices another sport what does he think about these rules and the partial release only to a few guys of a tool who helps a lot, and please report his answer.


Guys, don't complain too much! Search for the solution!


You are right, many overclockers have copies from others... and so on. I also wanted to obtain my copy of AB Extreme but I surrendered with idiots in polish department...

Prolly you went into the wrong door?.. I would try once again.


Ask - and it will be given to you:


Took me & T0lsty two evenings to get our personal copy of the newest AB extreme these days.


Honda, pro


Guys, don't complain too much! Search for the solution!



Prolly you went into the wrong door?.. I would try once again.


Ask - and it will be given to you:


Took me & T0lsty two evenings to get our personal copy of the newest AB extreme these days.


Honda, pro



You don't have polish department of MSI in your country ;)

The special BIOS is so-called OCP unlocked. But as far as I know, it's just an increased OCP and not much different from stock bios.



I hit OCP without Reactor, with Reactor - I don't have OCP, but it's interesting


C'mon guys...

Lets post results to MOA EMEA...

I think the way to MSI keep the competition is to show there are "corum" and people working in that.

Looking forward to monster scores...and sure....lots of lucky draws

C'mon guys...

Lets post results to MOA EMEA...

I think the way to MSI keep the competition is to show there are "corum" and people working in that.

Looking forward to monster scores...and sure....lots of lucky draws


My mobo died, I ordered a new one, I am waiting now. I guess there will be a lot of monster scores...

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