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The official GIGABYTE H55 miniITX contest thread.


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Bill....really it isnt helping doing that man....pls dont troll

Stop that tone before you haven't checked other submissions ;)


here you go for example massmans score with same tREF bug http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1042885_massman_superpi_32m_core_i7_875k_8min_52sec_0ms


are you sure that's a bug? That looks about right if you boot direct at those settings

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I don't have any lynfield CPU- I borrowed him only mem kit ;)


I didn't mean CPU but only memory


He borrowed the CPU from someone else




Sam can you video your superpi run from bios setup to windows boot and actual run on H55N-USB3 with those settings
I sure can, but I already got rid of both X3460 (given back to the owner) and Dominators (sold to Kovsk), finding someone locally who can borrow this type of hardware won't be easy .. what's the problem?


So if he borrowed it them he would have had the CPU at the time of replying to me :confused:

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btw i'm sorry to have not being able to compete in the contest, due work ate my whole time for 3 weeks :S


now i have some free time and i'll try at least a 4ghz run, but i'm afraid my 860 is in the group of "crap" xD




You muppet the competition is finished. :D:D

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So if he borrowed it them he would have had the CPU at the time of replying to me :confused:


I don't understand you? I gave him my GSkill kit on 26th so he could have already borrowed those CPUs before and could bench same day or next day and give those CPUs back right after. He replied you on 27/28th (don't get those time zones :D)

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So what happened with the result....


Thanks Dinos - I value that you have taken the time to help fill in the blanks for me. The things is that for many of us, or at least in my case I just do not understand or have enough experience with 32 Mil benching to pick up on certain things that are critical to understand what is going on here.


I would like to address a few points if I may.


First up. I asked Sam personally why he removed his first submission, this I did within days of him doing so just to place it in some kind of time context.:) He expressed it like this. The result was removed because he Sam did not want to have any results that were controversial or would detract from the competition it self. He agreed that the tref was seemingly out of range. Now it seems you can boot into that tref is set in bios. But I have not done so myself but will take it on faith that you can.


Second thing. No I did not know about the 2:10 range being the problem settings and I wish I did know that. It would have saved me a whole heap of pain and frustration during my benching sessions. True in the end I did get it after wasting far to much time with those impossible settings. So you see Dinos why for us n00bs these kinds of explanations in detail are pretty important. Thanks :P


Third thing. So you are not really interested in the final submission? You agree that it was plausible at those settings, or have I got it wrong? But you still would like to see a video of it. What would that video clear up? I am still unclear of the work the video would do in this matter. Are we wanting to know if the correct motherboard was used? What is it specifically that is under scrutiny? I still do not know. And no Dinos I am not blonde. :D



By the way I got 257 BLK stable for 32 Benching on my mobo too. Great motherboard this is. ;);)

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i want to do more of these comps just have to find a way to minimise hurt egos when they get asked to repeat runs :D



You know the funny thing is I would love to be a good enough bencher and a contender so to be asked just once to rerun a benchmark. God it sucks to be so crap that no-one even looks at your scores and wonders how you got those times. :D:D


And yes please bring it on. I want more comps like this one. This kind of benching rules. :):)

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I would pay heaps to watch the best benchers in the world doing their stuff. I love it. I have learnt so much from watching the live feeds. True lots of what I have learnt is what NOT to do. :D :D


Dinos it is a 530 CPU. I have to go budget for all my stuff. So that was the dual core and for quad I went 750 and that gave me best BLK of 235 not great but what can you do.

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I tried turning off the monitor to optimize copy-waza, but eventually realized I cannot see when it's finished. I waited hours to start the 32M ...


Idiot :D The funny thing is I actually tried that I was so desperate to get below 9 min with my 750, did not help.

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Sam, please dude, I would love to see your result on video as well. It doesn't have to be a huge video from boot-up + CDT, something like this will be great



You have to understand something. We are not haters. We surely don't want to murder you. We definitely didn't call you a cheater. All we want from you is FOR ONCE to step up, BE A MAN and FACE THE REAL WORLD. You are incredibly smart, so you ought to have figured out yourself that your runs are kinda doubtfull. Why didn't you pick up the damn camera and videotape the run BEFORE posting it? YOU KNEW that people were going to have doubts, so why didn't you think of recording the run on the first place?


Instead, you posted it, and after being questioned, you started acting up all weird for no reason. GROW UP!

Edited by George_o/c
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