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The official HWBOT Country Cup 2013 thread.


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For me, CC is a disappointment, I try to push it, really, but no one want to take part... So I did my best, but when I see "round 2" and "3"... it breaks my heart.

One more time, it's a fail for France.






We need, at least, one guy like, Roman, Splave, Loud, infrared, AU guys... Someone which can bench instead of.... doing anything else.


France is a nice country, with lot of hot babes, free hardware, LN2 supplier everywhere. So come on guy, join us :) ( only 3 things are not true in the last sentence, i swear)


My aim was top3 too....but it over...so I can take a rest (or try to do 2011 for stage1, 20L of LN2 left...haaaa).


Good luke all, and don't forget Indonesia sandbag in your calculation...

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nah Germans and Indonesians are going to put up their scores soon, we're going to end up 3rd if lucky lol


if it does end up 9 points between us, LOL BRING IT ON!


what happens in case of a tie :D ?


No, since we're not doing sandbagging we unfortunaltey dont have any backups...


I'm still benching 5970 but no improvement so far. Other stages wont be improved aswell.

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It's gonna be difficult for Germany and Indonesia, I think. Indonesia hasn't submit anything serious for stage 1 yet, but they are like 55 pts behind. Germany's #1 in stage 1, but 20 pts behind. They are 140 pts behind in stage 2, and overtaking Australia there would mean reducing that difference to 6 pts overall.


If AU wins all three, it's done. If they lose in two, including one to Germany, it's all about the last stage.

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Roman, your team mate dropped a score a few minutes ago. So since one of your team mates is generalising he should be looking at his own team as well...


It's not a good look fellas, I've told you that after last round ;)


I think the best thing we can do is stop updating the scoreboard two hours before the end of the competition. The add a new feature with new scores are shown every 5 minutes, make it animated, add a chat, get popcorn, and enjoy the show :woot:

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I"m not sure if this idea has been floated before, but it might be worth looking into and developing if the coding can be done on HWbot's side.


To prevent sandbagging, you want people to submit their best scores when they have them, right? Make others constantly improve, then you have to as well to fight of the other scores.


What I'm thinking is a system where the points are only partially based on the final score, but also weighted to who had that score the longest? ie: If Germany has the top 3DMark 11 Performance Full Out score for the whole comp, and in the last minute, USA sandbags a better score, award Germany 99% of some arbitrary points, whilst still acknowledging that USA won.


I envision it as teams constantly battling to hold onto the top spot (or places, since it should scale) and hold it for the longest.


It would present a case to overclockers to submit better scores, to hold off the competition, whilst still allowing some sandbagging to instantly take back a top place, until one is out of top scores.


Working out the split in total scores for winning and stage, and time leading a stage will have to be thought out by someone that's not me.



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I"m not sure if this idea has been floated before, but it might be worth looking into and developing if the coding can be done on HWbot's side.


To prevent sandbagging, you want people to submit their best scores when they have them, right? Make others constantly improve, then you have to as well to fight of the other scores.


What I'm thinking is a system where the points are only partially based on the final score, but also weighted to who had that score the longest? ie: If Germany has the top 3DMark 11 Performance Full Out score for the whole comp, and in the last minute, USA sandbags a better score, award Germany 99% of some arbitrary points, whilst still acknowledging that USA won.


I envision it as teams constantly battling to hold onto the top spot (or places, since it should scale) and hold it for the longest.


It would present a case to overclockers to submit better scores, to hold off the competition, whilst still allowing some sandbagging to instantly take back a top place, until one is out of top scores.


Working out the split in total scores for winning and stage, and time leading a stage will have to be thought out by someone that's not me.




Yea that's the same thing I suggested few pages ago. Would be cool to have feature like that.


Stages could award "tickets" which are basically the minutes of being first.

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