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lol sure, but after days and weeks of benching it would be great for everyone to know where things are at!


I understand the dilemma the hwbot crew are in through no fault of their own, but someone needs to make a call. At least a commitment to when it will be resolved is a start.

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Yep you are right it was just after i read this:


No hard feelings bro, look page 21 for details. Briefly 1.0 has issues exactly using multiple gpu's.


I just really dislike the fact that you reported the submissions few hours after the contest was over and I guess you did not just realise this at exactly this moment? Real sportsmanship would be to let guys know that there could be a mistake. Especially if there are a lot of results and you apparently went through every single top result and checked the version and reported it. My GTX 570 result (first setup with 3770K and therefor lower score) was uploaded on 2nd of November and I already used v1.0 there. That's a timeframe of almost two months....

And now it turns out that the issue with v1.0 is multi GPU related and we did a single GPU benchmark. I don't even find words for that really.



So when is a decision coming? Already taken a few days, now it's Xmas, comp ends in a couple of days.......what's the call?


Christian Ney is head of Moderation and has the final decision. I texted him this morning and he said he'd look into it this evening, so it's just a matter of hours. I'm pretty confident tho that the results will be moved back to the competition as the 1.0 "issue" is just affecting multi GPU scores.

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I just really dislike the fact that you reported the submissions few hours after the contest was over and I guess you did not just realise this at exactly this moment? Real sportsmanship would be to let guys know that there could be a mistake. Especially if there are a lot of results and you apparently went through every single top result and checked the version and reported it. My GTX 570 result (first setup with 3770K and therefor lower score) was uploaded on 2nd of November and I already used v1.0 there. That's a timeframe of almost two months....

And now it turns out that the issue with v1.0 is multi GPU related and we did a single GPU benchmark. I don't even find words for that really.


Nope i notice this just before copmpetition ends while i was trying improve my performance. If i noticed this early i should warn ya for sure. About top scores you are wrong again, our team wont have any benefits from this cuz we know more than 2 weeks ago that we will not have result with 3rd card (GTX 670) and stage is lost. I mention reason why futuremark make 1.1 not why 1.0 is not allowed on hwbot, after all rules are for all even if you not know them or i am wrong again ?

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Erm, the PDF is not the problem... - the problem is hwbot rule ;)http://www.hwbot.org/news/9044_application_51_rules/ - you don´t have to google pdfs to read this :). I have no idea why this rule has been made, maybe because of multi-gpu issues, maybe because of test of staff-members showing irregularities, but it is on since february 2013 if changelog is correct. All this irritation could have been prevented if someone would have known the rules, including staff obviously - just my two cents


P.S. Have a nice holiday season everyone :)

Edited by websmile
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Not seen the point changing rules because ppl dont read them, what else we can ignore and expect in future ?


Sometimes you just have to be a little flexible when doing competitions like this. This is the most logical and sensible decision. Next year I'm sure hwbot staff will include allowed versions in competition rules.

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It seems like you don't see a lot of points.


If you're the rules-hero here you should know about this part:

HWBOT moderators may apply a not suspicious exception when moderating scores which do not earn global points. When a submission has minor mistakes or incomplete verification, it does not mean by definition it has to be blocked by a moderator. If these submissions are not suspicious in any way, and do not receive global points, the moderator has the right to approve them. This rule is to prevent users reporting each and every submission which have minor mistakes, in order to get a better rank for their own submission. Reporting submissions which are not suspicious but have minor mistakes is against the fair play spirit, and abuse of the reporting functionality will be acted upon.


The submissions only have a different version which does not affect the final score so there is no reason at all to block them. Even if they are against the rules. Those competitions are for fun and there is absolutely no reason to disappoint so many people for no reason.

Edited by der8auer
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thanks der8auer and all hwbot staff..

good news..

now i can eat my food peacefully.. :P


will read the rules more closely from now on.. :D

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It seems like you don't see a lot of points.


If you're the rules-hero here you should know about this part:



The submissions only have a different version which does not affect the final score so there is no reason at all to block them. Even if they are against the rules. Those competitions are for fun and there is absolutely no reason to disappoint so many people for no reason.


No reason ?!? you showing me example with general rules when same rules says very simple that 1.0 is not alowed and you admit u never know this calling this minor mistake. So it looks like rules apply only for me and all ppl that follow em and not for you and other that dont that elaphant$hit!

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